Chapter 17

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Louis's P.O.V.

After I hang up the phone, I begin to cry. I love her. There I said it. I LOVE EMMA. But I can't let her know that. I can't be friends with her anymore. I am too attracted to her. If I let her think that I don't have feelings for her, maybe she will move on. I'm getting married and I don't want to regret it, even though I know that I will. But I need to take care of my family and be the father that mine never was.

My crying begins to stop after 30 minutes or so. I've been crying too much lately. This is what she does to me. My emotions run crazy and I can't stop thinking about her. I want to be with Emma more than anything, but we can't. I want to be happy with Sophie and the baby. I want to love Sophie just as much as I love Emma. But I can't.

Emma's P.O.V.

I can't stop crying. I thought he felt the same. I love Louis and now he has ripped my heart out. Tears stream down my face once again and I don't try to stop them. I need to let out what I have been holding in for the past 17 almost 18 years. I've always been on the outside of Louis's life and I always will be.

Weeks turns to months as I mope around the halls. Niall and I are still together, but I don't see him as often as I used to. Harry and I started talking again and we agreed to just be friends. Ever since that phone call, Louis's words have haunted me.

There is no us and there never will be.

I convince Niall to drive me to buy my own car. Once we arrive there, he grabs ahold of my hand and we walk inside. We are greeted by a smelly middle-aged man and he shows us the cars. I decide on a mustang for no reason what so ever.

"Be careful, babe." Niall says and kisses me on the cheek before he says goodbye. I don't know if I trust the man who sold this to me. Oh well. I get into the car and turn it on. I love the sound of the engine.

I turn on the radio and Katy Perry's "The One That Got Away" came on and I quickly change it. I love the song, but it reminds me to much of Louis. I pull onto the highway. My mind goes over Louis's haunting words over and over. It's been 4 months since we have talked. 4 months since I heard his voice. 4 months closer to his wedding. 4 months since he told me he loved me and always will. 4 months since we kissed. 4 months that we should have been together. 4 months wasted away, because of my broken heart.

The green light changes from green to yellow to red. I ease my foot on the brake, but it doesn't work. I push harder and it won't stop.

"C'mon!" I begin to sweat. That damn car dealer sold me a broken car. My heart begins to race as I run through the red light and an 18 wheeler hits me dead on.

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