Chapter 32

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Louis's P.O.V.

"Okay, I got in your car, I am willing to talk to you, what the hell do you want?"

I snap.

"I want you to come home."

"I am home."

"No, you're not. Just because we got into a little fight, doesn't mean that you run away with HER!"

"I can do what I want."

"But, what you want isn't right. I know that, why don't you?" Sophie asks. I stay silent. Of course I know that it's not. I'm not an idiot.

"Think about us! What are you going to do when the baby comes around? You're going to be just like your father was!"

"I am not!"

"Really? What were you doing just an hour ago?"

"That has nothing to do with it."

"Are you really going to sit there and tell me that it had nothing to do with it?"

"Yes I am." This conversation is getting us no where. Minutes go by in silence.

"What does she have?" She asks.

"Huh?" I don't understand.

"What does Emma have that I don't?" Her eyes fill with tears.

"Sophie, you are wonderful in every way. I can't help that I love Emma."

"So, you're willing to make me a single mother, just to be with Emma." Sophie looks into my eyes. Her stare burns through me. She sighs.

"If you won't do it for me or the baby, do it for Emma."

"What? Be with you? How will that be good for Emma?"

"Look, I know that you will come to your senses eventually, because you want to be a good dad. But, when that time comes, what will happen to Emma? You leave her and then what does she do? You need to do what is best for her. You need to leave her now, Louis. She will need time."

"That's crazy..."

"Is it? Louis, you need to. She deserves to be as happy as we will be."

"You're right." It pains me to say it, but she is. I need to leave Emma, no matter how bad it hurts me to. I love her, but I have to do what I have to do.

Emma's P.O.V.

It's been a few hours and there is still no sign of Louis. I made spaghetti and I've been sitting at the table. Was it something that I said? I thought that everything was fine. I really don't know where he could have gone. The door flies open and I almost jump out of my seat to hug him. I stay in my seat and stare at my plate. He sits down next to me. He sits without a word.

"We need to talk." He takes a bite of the spaghetti.

"What about?"

"I can't see you anymore."

"What? Why?" He's doing this to me all over again.


"What did I do wrong?" I blurt out.

"Nothing. You did nothing wrong." He tries to put his hand on my shoulder, but I shift away from his touch.

"It's because of Sophie, isn't it?" He stays silent. She always seems to fuck things up.

"I think that you need to leave." He stares at his plate.

"Fine." I gather my things and head to the front door.

"Goodbye, Louis."

"Goodbye, Emma." I close the door and let tears stream down my face.

On The Outside ( A Louis Tomlinson fan fiction )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora