Awesome People

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Hey guys! Check out this guy's youtube profile! He's got some really good messages called TOTD (Thought Of The Day) and he shares awesome messages in an engaging, un-boring way, encouraging people to live for God! He's really helped me think about what I was doing in my ministry and personal relationship with God!

That's... that's all I wanted to say.  My friend showed me this guy, and I think he's pretty cool!

Well, while I'm at it, I suppose I can show you some other really cool Wattpad accounts that show the message of God!

GamingHumor=Jesus' Shared Wisdom is an amazing book that has really helped me realize some things about myself I needed to!

Hissince2013=A Girl Named Always has some really interesting messages, some about what we believe and some just fun stuff! And she is a great friend to everyone she meets!

ApostolicJesusFreak= he writes some great messages similar to ours (probably way better) in his book Christian Mini Message/ Sermons!

HisLoveOverLife=Christian Talk! is an awesome book where people can have discussions about different spiritual-related topics! It's really cool to help you decide what you believe and know what others believe as well!

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