Chapter 20: Talking Business

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Lauren's POV:

I wake up really early the next morning so I can go back to my room before anyone notices. It's not like before, when we could actually count on the girls to have our backs. They can't find out we have gotten back together. No one can. If we want to make things work, we have to keep it a secret from everyone. I mean, its not like Ingrid already agreed to help us, but if she does then we have to keep it between us three. Camila's arms are tightly wrapped around my waist, and I'm pretty sure they were like that all night long. I missed her so much. I missed having her next to me when I wake up and I missed being the last person she talks to before she falls asleep. I just missed being with the person I have always loved. I remember how it felt when we were just friends, before everything happened. For some reason I always found myself staring at her, at the way she laughed and crinkled her nose. Everything about her always caught my eye. And even know, that I think I have already seen every little detail about Camila, it still amazes me how beautiful she is. And she has a beautiful spirit, and a beautiful mind, and I'm seriously so lucky to have her in my life. I plant a soft kiss on the top of her sleepy head and try to get out of her bed, but her arms pull me closer to her. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Camila mumbles with her eyes still closed. "I need to go to my bed Camz, I'm sorry." I whisper softly. "Don't go, lets stay in bed all day!" She says opening her beautiful brown eyes. "We can't, we have the album release party tonight." I tell her rubbing her cheek with my thumb. "Hey if you're not feeling well the doctor said you should stay in bed. It won't be as fun, but we can go to the party without you." I add softly. "Are you crazy? Of course I'm going tonight, I wouldn't miss it for the world." She answers with a smile on her face. "Besides I feel amazing, I just wanted to cuddle with you all day." Camila says with a grin. "Me too, but we can't." I answer pecking her lips. "Will you sleep here tonight as well?" She asks me resting her chin on my shoulder. "Of course babe, but remember we need to talk to Ingrid today." I say and she groans. "I had almost forgotten about that." She adds with a sigh. It sucks that our relationship depends on Ingrid's decision.

After a while I manage to get out of Camila's grip and take a shower. I really hope Ingrid is in a good mood again today. She lost her husband, she knows what its like to lose someone you love. If she takes Camila away from me again I'll be devastated. I need her in my life, she makes me happier than anybody else. I'm willing to keep it a secret from everyone, from my family and the girls, I don't care! I just want to be with Camila forever.

After a long reflexive shower I put on some casual clothes before we have to start to get read for the launch party. We have been working for an eternity to get the album ready, so I'm pretty excited that the fans will finally get to hear our sound. It wasn't easy to find the right direction, but Camila pulled out some incredible songs and we eventually finished what we had been working on. She's incredibly talented. Most of the songs in the album are hers, and her vocals are flawless. It still amazes me how incredible she is. She teaches me something new about herself everyday, and everything I learn just shows what an amazing well rounded person she is. Ingrid can't keep me away from her, it would kill me once again.

Camila's POV:

"Are you ready to do this?" Lauren asks squeezing my hand. I nod softly and turn her face to kiss her lips. "I love you, okay? No matter what happens right now, I have always loved you and I always will." I say putting my hand on her cheek. "I don't care what Ingrid says, I will always be here for you, we will find a way to make this work because you mean the world to me Lauren, and I won't let you go again, I promise." I add and kiss her lips eagerly again. "I love you too Camz, I want to be with you forever and nothing will change that." She answers resting her head against mine. After a while we decide to walk out of my room and face Ingrid. The other girls are still asleep, but Cole isn't here anymore, he must've left really early. I don't trust him! I know Lauren already broke up with him and he's not a threat, but there's still something off about him. I don't want him near Lauren again, and I'm not being a possessive girlfriend or anything, I just don't think its safe for her to be with him, even as friends.

We walk to Ingrid's room and knock on her door softly a couple of times. I know Lauren's nervous as hell, she hasn't stopped shaking since we left my room. "Hey, its okay, everything will work out." I tell her softly and she half smiles. Ingrid suddenly opens her door and greets us with a head nod. "Good morning girls." She says almost whispering. "Hey Ingrid, we need to talk." I say and Lauren holds my hand again. "Sure, come in." She says letting us walk into her room. I don't think I have been before. Everything is as neat as I had pictured though, not a single thing out of place. "Sit down, please." She says pointing at a small couch, and Lauren takes a seat next to me. We stare at each other for a while in silence, until Lauren starts talking. "Okay, I don't really know what to say other than we are really in love Ingrid." She says running out of breath at the end. "I know that girls, but Simon made things really clear." She answers softly. "We know, but please hear us out. We won't let anyone know, please." I add begging. Ingrid stares at us for a couple of minutes. "I don't know..." She starts saying holding her head. "Ingrid please, I know you believe in love. Please don't take her away from me." Lauren says as sincerely as she has sounded before. My heart flutters at the sound of those beautiful words and I know we are meant to be. "You can't tell anyone." She finally says and Lauren and I run to hug her. "Thank you so much, oh my God you have no idea how much this means to us." Lauren says and hugs her again. "You have to promise me you'll be careful and you won't ruin everything, okay? I'm risking my job and your career, but I really believe in your love girls. Please don't let me down." Ingrid says staring deeply into our eyes. "We won't, we promise." I say smiling like an idiot. I can't believe she agreed, this is the best thing ever. "Thank you so much Ingrid, you're amazing, we won't let you down." Lauren says holding my hand and we walk out of Ingrid's room. We run back to my room and when we're finally back alone she wraps her hands around my neck and connects our lips. "Oh my God, I love you so much!" She says excitedly. "I love you too Lauren Jauregui, I love you more than anything." We are finally how we're supposed to be, and I can't be any happier.

Sorry about the short chapter guys, I've been really busy lately. But I wanted to give these two some happiness for now haha

Are You There? ("Those Eyes" sequel, Camren Fan Fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum