Edd x Chubby!Suicidal!Reader: I love you

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Thinks to look out for:

(Y/N)= Your Name
(L/N)=Last Name
(F/C)=Favorite Color.
(H/C)=Hair Color
(H/L)=Hair Length
(E/C)=Eye color
(S/F/C)=Second Favorite Color
(...)=Author speaks
(F/F)=Favorite Food
(F/S)=Favorite Snack
(F/D)=Favorite Drink
(B/N)=Bully Name
(F/N)=Friend Name
(FF/N)=Fake Friend Name
(F/A)=Favorite Animal
(D/N)=Dog Name
(L/F/C)=Least Favorite Color
(BF/N)=Boyfriend Name
(O/F)=Online Friend

This list will be most likely be added on as I write more one-shots.
Requested by:DreamBerryisreal
Contains Self Harm and Suicidal Thoughts

(Y/N)'s Pov

I walked into work today, dressed in my normal waitress outfit. God I hated this place... Not because of the work but because of the people who work here. With my bag hanging from my shoulder, I walked over into the kitchen and made a turn to the employees-only lounge room. I set my bag down on a hanger and took out my small mirror to look at myself.


I cringed at my reflection.


I had bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep. All my suicidal thoughts kept my up all night; battling against the good thoughts that have been keeping me alive.


I knew I was depressed but didn't want to admit it. Why am I even here? Oh right... I need money to survive...

"Look who finally decided to show up to work."

I heard three girls giggle and I looked up. Of course it had to be them. The other three waitresses that EVERYONE adored. Everyone except me.

"I'm sorry but did it just get 300 pounds fatter in here?"

One scoffed and smirked as she crossed her arms. I bit my lip.

"You're giving our restaurant an unhealthy and horrible look. You should go back to work at McDonalds, at least there you'll look appropriate with all that grease you carry."

The other one pointed at me and laughed. Tears started to appear in my eyes. Their crushing what's left of my self esteem. Which is probably nothing.

"Here's some advice: Do you want to lose twenty pounds of ugly fat? Cut your head off. You'll be doing us all a favor fatty. Just kill yourself already. Nobody wants you alive anyway."

The leader of the group smirked and flipped me off. That was all it took to break me.

"Awe look, (Y/N)'s gonna cry~"

The first one who had spoke taunted and made a fake pouting expression. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I grabbed my bag and ran out the building as fast as I could. I didn't bother looking back or at anyone who was in my path. I'd just push them aside and keep running.

"Oh! Hey (Y/N)-"

I pushed the familiar voice aside as I kept running home. Eventually I made it to my apartment as I violently pushed the keys into the door lock and shook it in a rushed tone until it clicked open. I flung the door open before entering and slamming it shut, forgetting to lock it. I dropped my bag onto the ground and I slid down next to it. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I'm hugging my knees.

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