Chapter 65.

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Ross's POV;

It was getting late, and Laura hadn't responded to my message. I guess she just doesn't want anything to do with me anymore, but I can't blame her. I just have this burning feeling in my chest that makes me want to just crawl up in a ball and cry. I've tried everything today to get her out of my head, but the thought of her comes running back in. I can't keep going on with this guilt in me knowing that i'm the reason behind Laura's tears and heartbreak.

Out of nowhere, my phone rings. My hopes get excited thinking it's Laura on the other end, but when I go and check.. it's not her. It was Kevin.

As soon as I pick up, he starts yelling. " what is this I hear Laura going back to L.A? "

" look Kevin, she had to go home. She got hurt. " I say.

" hurt? Hurt how? " he asks, his tone beginning to calm down.

" .. it's, it's nothing that you should worry about. " I tell him.

" Ross, I hate to play the bad guy here but I spent thousands of dollars on that trip for you two, just to find out that one of the stars leaves without saying or warning me. Now, if Laura doesn't come back tomorrow, I hate to say this but y'all are both gonna get fired. " he says, in a tone I couldn't understand.

" you can't fire us, we're the stars. How are you gonna find other people to play Austin and Ally when the show already aired? " I exclaim.

" i'll do whatever I can to save the show, Ross. I need people that take this job seriously and you and Laura obviously don't. I'll find new people to play you both, and i'll make sure they appreciate this business. "

" i'm sorry, but I don't think Laura is coming back. " I gulp.

" then goodbye, Ross. " and he hangs up before I could say another word.

This is just amazing. Not only did I lose the love of my life, but I lost the one job i've ever had, and the chances of getting big. The sadness in me was now beginning to turn into anger. I sat on my bed, and looked at my phone one more time to see if she had replied. Nothing.

I turned off my phone and threw it across the room. I was in tears now, but this wasn't sadness anymore. I grabbed my jacket and put on my shoes, then walked out the door. I needed to get my mind off of things, or I could go crazy and do something stupid. I walked out the hotel without telling mom where I was going, cause I didn't even know where I was headed. I just walked and thought.. about everything.

people came up to me and asked for an autograph or picture, but I ignored all of them and I guess most of them realized why cause of the tears in my eyes. Little kids looked at me and asked why I was crying, but I just kept walking. A girl, probably in her late teens came and asked about Raura, and I lied to her. " She's back in the hotel, probably waiting for me to get back. " I tell her. But it hurt inside knowing that Laura isn't here. She's thousands of miles away with a broken heart and probably hating me.


It was dark now, and I finally realized my surroundings. I don't know where I was, but I didn't really care. Loud music began to fill the air, but in my ears all I heard was pretty music making me want to get closer. So that's what I did. I followed the noise and before I knew it, I was outside a bar. My head kept telling me to walk away and go back to the hotel, but my actions were saying something else. I wasn't even old enough to go in, but the guards were making out with girls against the wall.

I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but I walked in. The place was surrounded by girls giving guys lap dances, and a lot of moaning coming from different parts of the bar. There were dozens of different types of beers all around the place, not to mention whiskeys, vodka, and margaritas. Guys were barely walking, and some were dancing having the time of their lives, and for some reason I wanted to be like them.

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