Chapter 53.

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Laura's POV;

It read;

I don't know if you'll read this because I don't know if you'll ever open up your eyes. The thought of you dead is tearing me apart, so if you ever get to read this, I just want you to know that i'm sorry. I'm sorry that ever since we met i've been nothing but a coward to you. That day that was suppose to be our first date, I ruined it, I know. But our first dance together, yeah i'll never forget it because having you in my arms was a dream come true. And most importantly, I'm sorry I hurt you, I realized that the way I was showing my love to you wasn't right in any way. Tell your blonde that I said to never stop caring and loving you, because I could never do it.
I love you, Laura. Always. I hope he makes you happy, even though I know he already does. And if anywhere in your heart you have the kindness to forgive me for all i've done, it would make me rest in happiness no matter where I am.
Once again, i'm truly, deeply sorry.
                Love always,

A tear rolled down my cheek, and I read the letter over and over again.

I look up at the sky and whisper.

" I forgive you. "

And deep down, I knew that he was smiling where ever he is right now.

" ... and I promise. " Ross says. He had apperantly read the note over my shoulder, but I was glad he did.

I give him a smile letting him know that Eduardo was right, that he did make me happy.

" do you want to see him? " The doctor asks.

I nod.

The doctor took me to Eduardo's room, and Ross and Rocky stayed behind. I told them I would be okay, so they agreed.

As if everyone had read my mind, everyone left the room leaving me alone with him. I don't know why I agreed to come here, but it felt right.

Eduardo layed in a white bed, it all seemed like me just a few days ago, except I was actually alive. I began to get a weird feeling by looking at him, I was freightened. He was dead, but I was still scared of him. I regret coming in here, so I begin to turn the wheels of my wheelchair towards the door, and as i'm about to walk out, I stop.

I turn back to look at him, and say. " hope you rest in peace, cause I forgive you. "

And I walk out.

When I walk out, Rocky and Ross walk towards me followed by the doctor.

" don't you want to stay longer? " The doctor asks.

I shake my head. " I think it's best that I should go. "

The doctor nods, and walks back to the room that Eduardo is in, followed by nurses and doctors.

" you okay? " Rocky asks.

" a little shocked, but i'll be fine. " I force a smile at him.

" let's get out of here. " Ross's says, and that's what we did. We joined the family and walked out of the hospital doors.

Rydel's POV;

As we are about to walk out of the doors of the hospital, I don't feel my purse over my shoulder. I begin to panic, and without hesitation I run back to the room Laura was staying at cause I know I left it there for sure.

" where are you going? " I hear Riker yell behind me.

" my purse! " I reply, running up the stairs.

.. and i'm not clumsy, but when you're running upstairs in 4 inch heels, it's obvious you're gonna trip and fall, and that's exaclly what happened.

I let out a scream, and I began to tumble down the flight of stairs. I never reached the bottom of the stairs, because a pair of hands gets a hold of mines.

" Hasn't anyone ever tell you to not run upstairs wearing those killer shoes? " I hear a guy's voice say.

" mind your ow- " I stop as I get a glance of him staring down at me with his adorable brown eyes.

As soon as we're face to face, he picks me up and doesn't put me down until we reach upstairs. I for some reason, didn't complain as most girls would when a complete stranger picks you up.

" now, what were you in such a hurry about? " he asks me, as he puts me down.

I begin to walk to room 291 and there it was, my purse. " that. " I point at it.

" so you almost probably broke your head open all cause of a stupid purse? " he exclaims.

" yes, but you were there to catch me. " I smile.

" anything for a beautiful girl. " he says.

" aren't you too romantic? " I blush.

" what can I say? " he laughs.

" so are you he- " i get interrupted by my phone going off. I check and see that it's Ryland.

" what? " I snap.

" hurry the fuck up, Rydel. " he says. " we're waiting! "

" fine. " I groan.

as I talked on the phone, I began to examine this guy closer. He had brown hair and was about 6 feet tall, and don't even get me started on his smile.

" I- I gotta go. " I sigh. " can I know your name? "

He smiles and shakes his head. " i'll tell you it another time. I have a feeling we'll see each other again. "

And he walked away.


Hello loves :D

What do you think about Eduardo being dead?

who do you think is that guy that Rydel is head over heels for now? (;

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