Chapter 61.

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Ross's POV;

I don't know how this girl got here, or how she knew I was staying here. All I knew was that I was getting worried, and scared.

" what are you doing here? " I ask, my voice beginning to shake.

" can we not worry about that for now? Let's just cherish this moment that I have you in my arms and we're out here, under the moonlight. " she smiles.

" Rosie, what do you want from me? I'm in love with my girlfriend, you need to understand that. " I snap, getting her hands off my torso.

" I already told you what I want. You. And besides, Laura's nothing compared to me. Look at me Ross, i'm more beautiful than she ever will be. "

" my heart is taken by that amazing girl you're talking shit about. I don't even know who the fuck you are, so i'm asking you this from the bottom of my heart.. leave me alone. " I beg.

" kiss me. " she says.

" what's wrong with you? " I yell.

I push her off me, and begin to get out of the pool. I just wanted to get as far away from her as possible and back to Laura. I could hear her screaming my name behind me, but I grabbed my towel and walked inside the hotel. I took the elevator to the third floor, and headed to my room. I could hear the sound of a movie playing, so I walk in to Laura cuddled up to a pillow, hiding half her face up since the movie she was watching was of horror. She was wearing her pj's and her hair in a bun, and she couldn't look more beautiful. I walk up to her, and as soon as she sees me, she smiles at me.

" come lay down with me, this movie's scary. " she says, as she scoots over and pauses the tv.

" I would love too, after I get out of these wet clothes. " I say.

I rapidly head to the bathroom and take off my wet clothes. I look through my bag to find a fresh pair of underwear and shorts. No shirt, I know Laura likes me shirtless. 

As soon as i'm changed, I look in the mirror only to find a hickey on my neck. I began to panic at the thought of Laura seeing it, and having to tell her what happened. I was planning to not tell her anything that happened tonight, but if she sees me, I know i'll have to. I guess i'm wearing a t-shirt after all.

Seconds later, I take a deep breathe and walk out the bathroom to Laura in the same position as I left her. I slapped a smile on my face, and I go and lay down next to her. She turns off the lamp besides us to the point where the only light is of the tv in front of us. She places her head on my chest and wraps her arms around me, and we're not saying a word. We don't have to, our actions speak for themselves.

I pull her closer to me, and just let my body relax. I hold her tightly cause ever so often, she jumps up cause of the movie. Just having her in my arms right now made me forget of everything that happened tonight.

" have I told you that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me? " I speak up.

Even though it's dark, I know she smiled. " I love you. " she says. " more than anything in this world, im case you didn't know that. "

I kiss her forehead gently, and interwhine our fingers. " .. I did. But now i'm sure of it. " I smile.

She cuddles up closer to me, and before I knew it, she was fast asleep in my arms.

Laura's POV;

I wake up the next morning in Ross's arms, and our fingers were still together after last night. We don't have to go to a Meet and Greet till' tomorrow, so today I just want to walk around Australia and see everything. I saw a huge buffet bar last night, and there's no way i'm missing that out.

" Ross, wake up. I'm hungry, lets's go eat. " I say, as I begin to shake him. But he doesn't answer. All I hear is a moan coming from him. " Ross, if you don't wake up, I won't kiss you ever again. "

And with that, his eyes flung open. " i'm up, i'm up. " he says, as he rubs his eyes.

" good boy, now lets go down to the lobby and eat breakfast, i'm starving. " I beg.

" you go, I have to get changed. I'll meet you down there in five minutes. " he says in his sexxy, tired voice.

" promise you won't go back to sleep? " I ask.

" I promise. " he smiles. " now, I woke up. Gimme a kiss. "

I roll my eyes and kiss his lips, and head out the door in my pj's for all I care about my appearance.

as I get down to the lobby, I see that a lot of people are already eating breakfast. My mouth watered as I saw all the different types of food set out all around me. I decided to stuff my plate with pancakes and waffles, some sausages, eggs, and orange juice. I went and sat down at an empty table by the pool, and I waited patiently for Ross.

Fifteen minutes passed and he still wasn't down here, so I decide to just eat without him. He probably just fell back asleep. I gobbled up all my food, and as i'm about to eat my last bite, a waitor approaches me with a chocolate cake.

" i'm sorry, but I didn't order this. " I say.

" I know, it's from the guy on the table by the statue. " the waitor smiles, and leaves.

I look up to see three guys sitting down at the table that the waitor had said, and they were all looking at me with a smile on their faces. I grab the cake and stand up. I walk towards them, and stop when I was a few feet away from them.

" hate to break it to you, but i'm taken. " I say. I grab the cake and throw it in the trash. They all just looked at me as I walked to the elevator.

I realized Ross wasn't gonna come down, so i'll just come back down when he's awake. I made myself to my room, and as I open the door I see something that shattered my heart into pieces.


I know, I suck at cliffhangers. But what do you think she saw? (;

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