Mutations: ~ Chapter Forty~

Start from the beginning

It was much more detailed than I bothered to explained.

'Definitely not like a sister,' Five's voice echoed through my mind in wonder and I frowned. What the hell was the moron babbling on about now? 'Help me!'

I braced myself and let a low growl escape me as Five suddenly morphed into the space beside me. They were using a chemical in the smoke that I easily spotted, I guessed that it was to put us to sleep but it would be wasted on us because we were too enhanced for anything to dim us.

I could feel myself slipping the more I relied on my senses. Anticipating the moves of the soldiers before they could even decide what to do, sensing where they were going to move and blocking them. It brought out a thirst in me that couldn't be quenched.

All I could think about was finding Six, the urge to protect her ate away at me. Like an unwanted parasite. Knowing that she would be with Two done very little in dulling those emotions, in fact, it only made me want to find her even more, and I could tell Five felt the same.

But I didn't want to stop. I'm not sure when the fight became so enjoyable but I wasn't prepared to walk away now. Not when the threat was still so very real.

"Subject Three!" A deeply familiar voice screamed and I halted my attack after slamming a body hard against the wall, before turning, "Three, control yourself. This isn't you, you need to calm yourself."

Emma stood at the opposite side of the corridor with her confusing wavy hair tied back into a ponytail. Her expression was schooled into the same serious one she used to nail me with when I was being a 'jackass' about something.

"She has a shotgun?" Five panted from beside me, wincing a little. I could sense the pain running through his sides and stitching him, "I could disarm her."

Didn't mean I wouldn't snap that scrawny neck if he laid a hand on her. Emma could hold her own, but not against Five the way he was now, and I wasn't going to lose her.

A warning growl left me, and Five nodded in immediate understanding, "We're under attack." I stated without a doubt and Emma shook her head in irritation, "What is happening?"

"We're not under attack, Three!" Emma snapped darting behind a wall for cover. She glared at us in a way that made me mutter in annoyance, "They are under attack! The people you're attacking are the ones who are trying to get us out of here!"

We stared at each other in silence for a moment, waiting for one of us to admit we were wrong. I had won many times before but I could tell by the beat of her heart that Emma was telling the truth and I gritted my teeth a little.

I wasn't about to tell her she was right.

"You need to go find Two and Six." Emma stated glancing to her side and stepping away from us. She was afraid. But she was also trying to get somewhere, "Both of you, move! And keep away from the right wing!"

Normally, I would want to chase after her and make sure that my Handler was safe. But I didn't have that urge. Instead, I turned to Five, and we immediately dismissed our fight with those behind us, they were boring anyway. I suspected that they were holding back, it's what made them so easy to attack.

"Emma!" She turned at the sound of her voice. Her breathing evened, she was trying to tell me that she was okay but I didn't like the thought of leaving her. Not now, "Don't go that way."

"I'll be fine." Was all she yelled over her shoulder, but taking a sharp left instead of going straight ahead, "Find them quickly!" and with those last words being said, she was gone.

'You know where they are?' Five questioned stalking forward beside me. I nodded with a clenched jaw, 'The right wing.' I replied smoothly, knowing that I wouldn't have to ask where we were to go next.

Five only nodded in understanding. The blood that drenched his clothes made him easier for me to track, even when he was moving at that inhuman pace of his. It clung to his skin, and painted him like a neon sign but my focus wasn't set on him anymore.

All I could think about now was Six.

I was even more drawn to her now than I normally was. Six was always highlighted like a beacon to me, always drawing me in. There was something about her and her nature that made me want to be around her.

Most of the time, I done my best to avoid her because of that. But I couldn't deny my primal urges forever, I wanted to protect her. I needed to, and it infuriated me because before I ever met Six, the only person I cared to protect was myself.

Low growls of unease left us when a sudden tremble violently bounced through the base structure. Five was more unaware of it than I was, to me it felt like the explosion rattled right through me and my senses were thrown off for a second.

"What the hell was that!?" Five demanded breathlessly and I swallowed hard as I followed the tremors that vibrated through the ground, "Aftershocks. Someone's messing with the electric charges." I answered letting myself fall easily into focus.

I could feel the tricky electricity that thrummed through the building pulse stronger in some places than in others and gritted my teeth, "Small explosive charges. They're planted all over the place." I explained making Five inhale sharply.

"Loving all these surprises." He grumbled through a growl, "Can't wait to see what happens next."

I really wished he hadn't of said that.

The next set of doors we slammed through opened into a world of violence. Human's warring against humans. I grabbed Five away from the onslaught of bullets fleeing through the air, and blades carving through the fragile skins and growled in warning at him.

"We need to find them." I stated trying not to trip on my words. The smell of blood was like a drug to me, it made me want to hunt more than ever. A deep craving fought through me and I forced myself to stay grounded, "Once we find them...then we can hunt."

The words done the magic trick because suddenly Five was more than prepared to hunt down our own kind, "I'll go ahead." He insisted making me doubt that he could stay on task, "I'm faster. Hey, don't look at me like that!"

Too late to disagree, because he was gone.

I couldn't say that I had never killed before but it was animals who I hunted. All part of the play program I grew up in but these weren't animals whose necks I snapped, whose throats I ripped into, but for some reason, it didn't bother me.

Not when I knew it could save us. That it could save Six.

Suddenly, I halted in place when an acidic bite tainted the air. Stronger than it had ever been before. My entire muscle locked in place as I inhaled deeply, and growled at the expressed vengeance that drooled into the bloodstained air, so powerful that it made me want to gag.

'I know you're here.' I let the words hang through the mental bond. I knew where she was, I knew that she would be able to hear them, 'I won't let you take her from me.'

At first there was silence, and I felt foolish for even saying what I said but then a new voice probed through my mind. Louder than anyone else, more dominant. I wasn't sure what I expected her voice to sound like; but I didn't imagine it to be so haughty.

'...I know.' Zero replied with a trickle of amusement, 'I always know.'



Hey, all!

The next chapter will be the last chapter written in another P.O.V and I'm sure it won't be a challenge to guess who's mind you will be invading! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed a little insight into what is the mind of Subject Three; he's a complicated character, but one of my favorites!

Thank you to everyone who has stuck along with me, and all your votes and comments! They mean the world to me!

- EmbracingYou

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