Mutations: ~ Chapter Twenty Two ~

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~ Chapter Twenty Two~

"I think she's coming around..."

A low groan escaped me as my eyes fluttered open at the sound of a deep voice, but I think what really jump started me was the thumping in my head.

It felt like someone had hit me with a sledgehammer, or something. I really just wanted to fall back asleep, so that I didn't have to feel it, or maybe I wanted food more.

Food. I would kill for some meat right now, Mm, beef for breakfast.

"Six, I know you're awake."

Sighing deeply, I pried my eyes wide open until I was staring at the ceiling above me, and I rolled my heavy head to the side. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw Two sat basically right next to my bed, his gaze locked onto me.

His elbows resting on his knees, and his fingers interlaced. He looked like he was deep in thought. When he saw me looking at him, he inhaled deeply and arched his brows at me.

"What happened?" I croaked pressing the heels of my hands against my throbbing eyes

Five was perched at the end of my bed with his back resting against the wall. He looked thoughtful as he stared at me, and I scowled at him, "Were you watching me sleep?" I accused them both, before Three entered my range of vision and he smirked at me.

"Technically, only Two and I were watching you sleep." Five drawled, casting Three a careful glance before grinning back down at me, and I shuddered. If the thought of two males watching me sleep wasn't at all creepy, then I don't know what is, "And, it was all to ensure your safety. Scouts honor."

Like a movie, the events replayed in my mind and my spine snapped upwards so quick that it nearly snapped. My heart stuttered at the sudden flash of fear that shuddered throughout me, and my fists curled.

Three gave me a warning look as he drifted closer. Out of them all, I should have known that he would be the first to notice. His marble like eyes bored into me, it was oddly...somewhat calming. Kind of like watching water drip from a tap.

"Calm down." Two reached a hand forward, resting it on the bed only inches away from me, "We made sure that the only nurse that got in here wasn't trying to hurt you. She just done a check-up."

Feral looked at me like I was some sort of feral animal. He shook his head, and blow out a breath, letting his shoulders relax, "Girls. I knew you would bring all kinds of drama." He muttered, I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic, or genuine.

"They gassed me. Why would they do that?" I breathed hoarsely, trying to calm my breathing. All I could remember was suffocating, all that gas-like smoke smothering me, it was so thick that I couldn't breathe. It filled my lungs, and made me see black dots, "And why did they take so much of my blood?"

I didn't know what to think when I saw Two shaking his head, like he didn't understand either. I guess it was kind of comforting, knowing I wasn't alone, "All I know is that there is no one here who we can trust. We have to know that we have one, and others, back; all of us." He spoke in such a commanding voice that I naturally wanted to listen to him, "We cannot let this happen again. Stay together, at all times."

"We can't always stay together. They've been separating us lately. Testing us individually." Three pointed out, nodding at Five, who looked a hundred times better than the last time I saw him. Now there wasn't a single scratch on him, and his bruises were basically non-existent.

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