Mutations: ~ Chapter Twelve ~

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~ Chapter Twelve ~

"What's happening?"

The sight of my door ajar concerned me. Who opened it? Now anyone could walk in, and invade my privacy. Annoyance shimmered in me when I stepped inside, scowling in surprise at the sight of someone sitting on my bed.

I needed to blink a couple of times, to assure myself that they hadn't driven me insane.

"This place is tragic." Five muttered, shamelessly rifling through my drawers. A male curiosity in his gaze that I didn't appreciate, "It's all so tidy. Why?"

I snapped my head around to stare at Eric in displeasure. Horror struck through me at the thought of this becoming something casual, I didn't want people in my room. This was my place. Not to mention the fact that Five was in here without my permission.

He is touching everything! Things that were once private, and personal, were not longer such. Everything was bared to Five! Why did it have to be him!?

"Eric!" I hiss in discomfort, I didn't like this at all! And I nailed him with a pleading look, "Do something, now!"

Eric gave me disapproving look, but his dark eyes were reassuring. He exhaled heavily, brushing past me to see what was bothering me so much. I followed him with my eyes, and gasped in dread at the sight of Five.

The male Splice was sprawled across my bed, like he owned it! His face was contorted into weird expression as he flicked through an old textbook. He didn't even know what he had done.

An emotional pain tore into me as realization dawned inside me. The damage was don now; Five's scent would be buried into my pillow, for longer than anyone could find comfortable.

Everyone's scent was like their own personal signature, and they lingered.

That was another thing that I treasured about my once sacred room; it smelled just the way I liked it. Like me, and sometimes like Eric. Now it was contaminated by his scent!

Another shuffling noise made me turn, just in time to see Two approach from behind me. An inquisitive expression on his handsome features as he tried to look around me, seemingly eager to get a look around for himself.

Lush long lashes framed those arctic ocean blue eyes enviously. They casted shadows down his sharp as knives cheeks, putting me in a strange sort of trance, and making me forget about whatever it was bothering me.

I couldn't tell if I enjoyed it, or not.

"What are you doing in here, Five?" Eric finally asked, his voice monotone. Heat flushed under the skin of my cheeks at the realisation that I'd been staring, "You can't be invading peoples personal space. Especially, a woman's."

Five arched a brow at Eric before scoffing, and turning towards me with a smirk, "Just wanted to get to know you better." He sighed innocently, pushing himself up into a sitting position.

Well, I just wanted him to get out of here!

A gasp left me when Two's warm skin brushed against mine. He was only passing by me, inviting himself inside to have a look around for himself like Five had. He didn't even bother asking first.

I felt exposed when his gaze slowly trailed over my personal items, taking his time before moving on. For some reason, his interest affected me more than Five's could ever wish to.

It was the intensity in those darkened eyes, like he was slowly solving some sort of puzzle just by looking at my belongings.

Watching him trail his strong fingers over the surface of my work desk, and then when he ducked his head into my bathroom, made me feel like he was peering at my soul.

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