Mutations: ~ Chapter Nine ~

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~ Chapter Nine ~

 When I woke up in my bed the next morning, there was a certain degree of confusion shimmering inside of me.

Mainly because I didn't remember falling asleep.

I wondered if I had dreamed all of what happened last night, but when single strands of lush green grass fell from my tangled locks, it was clear that last night was no figment of my imagination.

That, and the stiffness that swelled through my body from being thrown around so often, told me enough. I groaned aloud at the sting that seared through my stiff limbs.

Slapping the button on my alarm to shut it off, I swung my achy legs out of bed, and towards the shower eagerly. Turning the latch made me feel as if I'd passed a major milestone.

My entire body groaned at the spray of the steaming hot water that lashed down on me, relaxing my tense bones. I pressed my head against the cool tile wall, reliving last night in my mind.

Nothing beat the sensation of a hot shower after a night of being thrown around like a rag doll, and trooping through a giant maze.

"You're running late today." Eric commented from the doorway, whilst I dried my hair. I gave him a side glance with my brows rose, and my face blank, "After last night, I should get more sleep time." I muttered tiredly.

Eric only gave me a small smile response, and he nodded towards the alarm clock. It was only then I realized that he had let me sleep in; for twenty minutes. My jaw dropped open as I pulled my hair back into a knot, and gave him a raised brow look.

"How did you manage to do that?" I demanded, knowing that scheduling here was tight when I was on a routine. He only shrugged his shoulders mysteriously in response, "I have my ways." He replied ominously, which made me growl in annoyance.

I really cared for that man, but I could strangle him.

Feeling too tired to argue, I simply slipped on a black sweater and fell in step beside him. concern spiked through me when he rested a hand on my shoulder, guiding me in the opposite direction of the cafeteria.

My face instantly contorted into a furious glare, one that warned him of the misery I would make his life if he dared do this to me. A warning didn't need to be spoken, he could read my eyes.

"I'm not skipping my breakfast." I immediately announced, adamantly shaking my head, "You know that sleep isn't worth that much to me- I'll eat everything quicker than ever!"

Eric only scoffed in response, and gave me an amused look, "You already eat like a feral animal." He remarked shamelessly, and looked at me, "And I know better than to deprive you of food by now."

"Then where are we going?" I whined, feeling a painful rumbling at the pit of my stomach.

He only rolled his eyes, not breaking from whatever route he was taking me on. I was mildly surprised when he guided me into the empty room that I was allowed to use in my leisure time, to watch TV, or play a board game.

Although, I didn't watch much TV, I couldn't stay still for long enough. However, I did sometimes indulge in an action movie of Eric's choice, when we got the free time- he knew all the good ones.

"As your Handler, I'm allowed to inform you of what happens next in your life." His tone morphed into that he used when speaking to an authority figure. Formal, with a serious shadow hanging from every word he spoke, it put me on edge, "You've been introduced to the rest of the Splices."

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