Mutations: ~ Chapter Four ~

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~ Chapter Four ~

The next day, my mind was still brewing up a storm of wonders, and what my life could have been like if I'd had another Splice to grow up with.

Eric refused to talk about Three, and anything that remotely related to him. Not that I asked. His body language was enough to keep me in silent wonder.

It was as if he was angry...

My eyes snapped open at the sound of my alarm but when I saw that it was at the usual time, I was disappointed. Today would be like any regular Friday: I would start it off with the morning run, and then Eric would drop me off at my combat training with Michael.

Those were the only two exciting things worth mentioning. So, I didn't expect too much wildness, although, sometimes Michael would sneak me in some chocolate.

And that was pretty pulse pumping.

Eric would freak out about it if he found out. He liked me to stick to my given diet. Even though he would break the rules, and once a year give me a cupcake.

After having my quick morning shower, I rinsed the soap suds from my hair with a yawn before quickly drying down, and changing into my running pants that were made of a stretchy material.

Like all my clothes, there were a boring shade of dark blue. The only colour on them was the white number 6 printed in them, in bold. My own personal brand, I suppose. Sometimes I got black clothes though, and they were nice.

All my stuff came in the exact same shade of blue, I think it was my favourite colour. I cared more about my comfort rather than the colour, although, I would one day like to wear something green.

Every so often, I'd get measured for new clothes. Or sometimes, I'd have to get replacements when they were damaged.

"Morning, Six." Eric greeted me as soon as my door silently slipped open with a sigh of released air. He was dressed in black pants with a long-sleeved shirt on. In other words; his familiar attire.

"You smell different." I greeted, with a wrinkled nose. My hair was too short to do much with the thick dark brown locks were cut just below my ears, all I needed to do was brush it, "Have you changed your shampoo again? The smell is stronger than the last one."

Eric only nodded his head stiffly as he waltzed through the corridors like he owned them, it was only then that I felt a wave of relief at the sight of him. Most of the night, I had been up with worry over him.

I didn't like the thought of him roaming around the place with Three loose. It's probably the reason I was so eager about staying close to him today, I didn't want him out of my sight again.

"Six, wait here." Eric suddenly instructed me when his eyes began to follow something, or someone, who was walking in the opposite direction from us, "I'll be back in a minute, don't go anywhere."

His tone was frosty enough to keep ice cream cool as he stared me down with his, 'do as you're told.' gaze that I usually listened to, for the most part. But as soon as he waltzed away from me without another word, I followed a few steps behind.

I had no intention of letting him out of my sight. Not when so much could go wrong in my absence, he needed protection around him, and only I could provide it.

He didn't even look behind him as he walked down the corridor, so quickly that I almost lost sight of him. People all over formed a path for him as he walked by. I had heard around here that Eric was some sort of big deal, people were surprised that he was tasked with being my Handler, apparently.

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