Chapter 16- The Desert Pack and another pregnancy symptom

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P.L 13 - Pack Naming

All Children must be named with human names. 

Top 500 names of the decade recommended. 

This is to ensure Pack stands out as little as possible.

Desert pack had made Julia think of Native Americans. Seriously. She pictured teepees, swede, she pictured tanned skin and dark hair. Right?  

She watched as caravans, as regular tents, as some round ones, all kinds of people filtered in. So many! She'd never seen such a big pack in her life and she knew it wasn't the largest in America. No swede in sight. Some tanned skin, some dark skin, some pasty white skin that made her think they rarely came out at all. Some pretty awesome looking designer gear though. 

Oliver was directing them all around the grass and forest on one side of the Pack Estate, near several empty houses that he'd probably offered the Alpha and the elders, and her dad was already down there trying to help direct it all. 

He watched as they started to set up. It was going to be a strange winter for them all- with so many tents, caravans, with only the houses for warmth. The Alpha and the elders would be housed in one of the two houses- he was elderly too- and the Beta pair were going to remain with their families.

How they were going to stay undercover, with over sixty extra adults and thirty or so caravans, Oliver wasn't sure. It was going to be interesting. 

"See any cute girls?" She asked Beth who frowned. 

"I don't want any cute girls." Beth muttered. 

She wanted Yasmine. Of course she did. Julia reached out to hug her to her side. "Sorry."

"She's the enemy." Beth replied. She didn't sound convinced though. Julia got it- that mate bond was a pain in the ass. It mimicked love and trigged that intense sexual attraction that now had Julia increasingly front heavy by the day.

Speaking of which, she shifted, feeling the weight of them somewhat to one side. Prodded her stomach. "Move over a little. There's two sides of me."

"What is it?"

"It's weird, like they're sitting on one side." Julia muttered. "It's heavy. Oh, wait, no. There it goes. Beth, feel this." She grabbed Beth's hand and put it over where the popcorn-movement had started again. Beth gawked at her stomach.

"Woah, that's so cool."

 "I know! I can't wait till the next ultrasound. I want to know what the other baby is." Julia got what she'd hoped. Beth relaxed. It seemed strange that she'd been right about Yasmine- that she was pond sucking scum- but she hadn't expected Beth to bond to her. It had to be the contacts- it was the eye thing all over again. Without seeing natural eyes they couldn't make that bond.

It gave her an idea though about Levi and Oliver. Could Oliver order Levi around if Levi's eyes were covered?

Levi came over to pick Julia up, spinning her around, kissing her as he gazed over. He was well over a foot taller than her and just held her there like she weighed nothing. "What do you think?"

"I don't know."  She grinned at him. There it was again- the weak kneed thing that made Julia wrap her arms around his neck. "What do you think?"

"It's going to take a lot of food to feed them." He lowered her down and leaned close to her as another couple of cars and caravans appeared. Was he making sure they knew she was taken? That didn't bother Julia in the slightest.

Julia's baby, Bk 1 - Oh, Baby! Watty Awards 2012!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon