Chapter 11- Conflict of the Werewolves- Beth's revenge

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P.L. 46  - Mate-Husband-Wife-Partner conflict.

No fighting to the death. 

No fighting to cause serious injury. (Such as removal of a limb.)

-Modified by the 75th Alpha, old laws will resume when Pack numbers are at a safe level.- 

Julia went on a date. She couldn't believe it, that she was on a date at sixteen and a half weeks pregnant or something like that, but Levi seemed pretty determined that she get all the rituals that came with this. Like he was seriously dating her. She followed after him in town, hand in his, as he bought them tickets for a movie and then they sat side by side.

An arm came to drap across Julia, drawing her closer, and she leaned against Levi as he watched the film. Oh man, was it hard to focus on that film right now. Seriously. Even if this was supposed to be 'pretend' Julia was feeling kind of weak and giddy and strange.

"You hungry?" Levi whispered, offering her chocolates. Chocolate coated ginger. Her stomach nearly jumped out and grabbed it to get past the 'chew, swallow, wait' routine. 

Oh yeah. It was love. It was love of all kinds.  

"Thanks." Julia took it and ate slowly. Tried to focus. It was getting very hard to focus like this. Film. Movie. Some kind of story. She wasn't sure what it was, just that there were flames on a girl's dress briefly and now they were running around a forest.

Lips. Hand. She turned to face him, as his hand turned her head around, and she was kissed. Julia forgot to breathe, he was so gentle, movie lost, she only could taste this guy and the popcorn and the chocolate. Oliver wasn't here. This kiss had nothing to do with him.

She fainted.

Waking in Levi's arms, as he carried her out, that did not improve the 'forgetting to breathe' thing. Julia opened her eyes, face going red, staring around. "Oh my god, I ...the movie. I'm sorry."

"Relax, babe. We can watch it another time." Levi lowered her down carefully. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah." Julia nearly fell over. This wasn't a master plan to seduce Levi, not at all, she genuinely was having trouble standing. Something to do with these heels Beth had thrown at her head. "The stupid shoes. I can't ..."

Levi knelt and tugged the heels off, carefully, as she leaned against his shoulder. "There. Better?"

"Thanks." Julia stood up straighter. She grinned weakly as he held them above the trash. "Beth will probably want those back."

"Probably." Levi sighed and threw them into a bag instead. He glanced up as they felt werewolf eyes on them, some higher rank. "It's okay. It's our Pack." But he drew her closer anyway, and Julia's head suggested another faint.  She rejected the idea.

"So what now?"

"Let's go get something to eat and sit outside." Levi suggested. "All these hu... people. I was struggling in the film anyway. Wouldn't have lasted that long without you."

"Okay." She flushed again, following. Julia's heart was fluttering big time in her chest. She barely saw the werewolf phone someone. Barely cared. "Thanks. For taking me on real dates."

"I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't think you were cute. Real dates, real kisses, and real competition with Oliver. May the best wolf win?" He grinned, squeezing her shoulders. "I think I have an advantage though."

"What's that?"

"I didn't marry some other woman." 

She smiled weakly at that. True. He hadn't done that. Oliver had and Julia was sort of hurt still, the reminder not helping. 

Julia's baby, Bk 1 - Oh, Baby! Watty Awards 2012!Where stories live. Discover now