Chapter 8: She is back

Start from the beginning

   We rushed to our sister's side to see Dr.Bryan working on her with mom and dad on her both sides. Doc already managed to calm her down but she is unconscious. 

"We need to move her to the infirmary", Dr.Bryan said looking at me and Abel, I just nodded and picked her up in my arms. I held her close, she let out a whimper and a lone teardrop escaped from her eyes and made its way down through her cheeks.

"She deserves much better than this", Rock whimpered at the back of my mind, "Is there nothing we could do for our little sister?"

"I know Rock, it's breaking my heart to see her like this. We will find a way to stop this suffering. We will search and find her the happiness she deserves", I assured him.

"I promise you little one, your brother will find you the happiness you deserve", I whispered to the girl in my hands.


Tina's P.O.V:


"Purpose of life".

"Purpose of my life".

"What is the purpose of my life?"

"Argghhhh, this is so frustrating", I was pulling at my hair when I heard Bella giggling next to me, today it's her turn to babysit me, I threw my pen at her and crumbled the paper I was using and threw it into the dustbin.

After the last panic attack a week ago, I am having some speech session and my therapist gave me homework to find the purpose of my life. And for the last 3 hours, I was sitting in my room trying to figure out the 'Purpose' of my life and I only managed to write the heading of the essay and doodle all over it.

"Seriously Bella. That man is the psychotic one not me", I was seriously losing it, "What's wrong with you all? I never tried to do anything stupid. Whatever Chelsea did is not my fault."

"Come on Tinzz, just put up with it. Your family is just scared and worried. And the fact that you didn't try to fight or run from Chelsea is still freaking us out. Give them some time and do like they say, it will calm them down", Bella tried to soothe me.

"But Bells, they are practically asking me to forget Mike and move on. How can I do that? He is my mate for crying out loud. The only one for me, only one I ever wanted. I don't exist without him." I started to cry by the time I finished my sentence. Bella just held me tight and let me pour out my pain.

After my episode, we decided to stop working on my assignment for a while and take a break. We were in the tv room watching "Finding Nemo" for the umpteenth time when we heard growls and paw thudding outside.

"ROGUES!! MOTHERS, CHILDREN AND ELDERLY PEOPLE MOVE TO THE SAFE HOUSE", my father's voice rang in our head through the Alpha's link.

The safe house is a specially designed room with one-way password access, once locked it can be opened only from the inside with the help of a password.  Those who cannot shift, children, mothers of children below the age of 10 and elderly people are supposed to stay in the safe house during rouge attacks and wars. They are supposed to stay there till the attack is over and Alpha or Beta link with them to open the door.

I and Bella rushed out of the room when we heard the Alpha.  Bella suddenly shifts into her light blond wolf and sprint to the front door, then only I remembered I cannot shift.

"Great!! I can't even help my pack now. Completely useless",  I tried to reach out River but the effort was fruitless. I felt someone poking me and looked to see Bella's blonde wolf trying to push me towards the safe house, she might have come back when she felt my absence.

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