Chapter 22

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Lucifer P.O.V

Walking down the hall and back to the hotel room, the air was cold enough to see my own breathe. As I got closer to the room, the temperature dropped more. I stopped in front the door and looked below the door to see fog escaping from underneath. I unlocked the door only to be hit with a gust of cold air. I quickly walked in and turned around a bit shock.

As I looked around the room, I saw everything was in a thick sheet of ice. It was so cold you could probably lick anything in the room and have your tongue stuck to it. Skylar popped into my head and I took off looking for her. I felt her presence in the room somewhere. I followed my senses into the bedroom to see Skylar laying on the bed and the blanket was on the floor.

I walked over to the blanket and picked it up then covered her with it. I tucked her in and stared at her sleeping figure. The temptations to just kiss her right now was unbearable. I let out a sigh and notice the room was no longer cold. I looked around and saw the room was no longer frozen over. It was as if the ice disappeared in thin air.

I let out a sigh, "This plan better work," I mumbled to myself.


"Nice to see you again Stephen," James and Skylar's brother hugged. It shocked me how similar he kind of looked to Sky. (Pic of Stephen above)

"Glad to be here," he replied as they pulled away.

James had told the rest of the guys about the plan and they've all agreed on it. It was now up to Stephen.

"This is uhh...-"

"Lucifer," I filled in James sentence as tried to introduce me. Stephen eyebrow rose up but he stuck out his hand to shake mine. I shook it back with a smile.

"Lucifer?" he questioned looking at me then at James.

James let out a sigh, "Short story long, he's the actual Devil and your baby sister has fell in love with him," James spoke fast.

James and I watched as Stephen didn't shout of freak out. He just looked at James probably to see if he was bluffing.

"He's taking this pretty well," Justin mumbled across the room to the rest of the guys who were also here.

Stephen shook his head, "No! I'm debating who's ass to kick first," he shouted in anger.

Ahh, there it is.

"How the fuck do you let this happen," Stephen shouted to James.

James tensed up and glared at him, "It's not my fucking fault. Blame him and Sky. You think this is what I want for her," James shouted back.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm still here," I butt in.

They both turned to look at me. "Would you shut up," Stephen growled.

I shook my head, "It could have been worst. She could have turned into a Demon...Oh wait. She is," I stated with a grin.

I know this is serious matter but this was just to funny plus he was going to find out anyways. Stephen was now blank.

"How?" was all that came out from him.

James let out a sigh, "We were running out the country from a mission. We board the plane and after a few hours, jets were chasing us. The plane was going down and since Lucifer could teleport, she told him to teleport us out the plane while she tries to keep them off us. We tried to beg her to go first but she demanded us," James spoke softly then looked at me to finish it.

I looked at Stephen who was staring at me in rage and curiosity. Let out a sigh as James did, I continued the story. "When I got everyone home, I flashed back to the plane to get Sky but it wasn't in the air no more," I remembered it as if it was like yesterday. "The jets were still in the air so I blew it up and looked for the plane. I found it sinking to the bottom of the ocean. I dropped myself to the bottom of the ocean and saw the plane was now full of water. I entered it only to see Sky strapped down in her seat. She drowned..." my heart broke as I said the last sentence.

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