Chapter 43

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I let out an exhausted sigh as I laid on the ground.

"No resting," Lucifer shouted from across the room.

I let out a groan and stood up on my two feet. I looked over to Lucifer who was leaning against the wall. Axel was a distance away in the corner of the room. Behind me across the room was 3 demons and 2 more surrounding me. After what happened yesterday, Lucifer found it in his best interest to train me when it comes to fighting a demon. I learned that other demons are able to harm one another and the self healing process is a bit slower and you could feel the pain rather than fighting a human. There's that and we've been training for 7 freaking hours.

"You have to remain focus and use your senses," Axel informed.

I nodded my head and got into fighting position. All 6 of them got into fighting position excepting Lucifer who stayed leaned up against the wall. He nodded and all of them started charging at me. I flashed around and went to snap on of the guy's neck but he swiftly turned around and packed a punch causing me to fly across the room. I quickly caught myself and landed on my feet before flashing towards on of the guys. I quickly managed to snap his neck before flashing over to the others. I used my telekinesis to also snap their necks. I watched as their bodies fell to the ground. It was now Axel left.

Axel stepped up to me and nodded gesturing for me he was ready. I tried to use my powers to snap his neck but he didn't budge. I quickly flashed behind him and reach for his neck but he grabbed my hand and twist it causing my grip to loosen. With my free hand, I reached inside his chest for his heart. He let out a painful groan and I looked up to see his eyes were now black.

Well shit!  

I went to rip out his heart but his hand quickly reached for my neck. I tried to flash out but remember I couldn't. It's honestly weird how this demon thing works. Within a swift move, I found myself standing in hell yet again. I let out a growl of frustration and anger. A few seconds passed by and I was now laying on the floor looking back up at the ceiling. I pushed myself off the floor only to be standing in front Lucifer.

"You're never going to win if you lose focus like that," he scoffed.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't you think I'm trying?!"

He shook his head as he turned his back before walking back across the room, "Not hard enough," he mumbled.

My fist tightened in anger. "Could you stop being so uptight for one second and just have some sympathy for once," I shouted.

"Sweetheart," he called as he turned around to look at me, "Have you met me?" he chuckled as his eyes turned black referring to himself as the Devil.

"Right, I forgot I'm dating someone with a stick up their ass," I hissed as I folded my arms across my chest.

His eyebrow rose, "I think you're mistaken and you shouldn't be trying to talk about me when you're the weak one," he smirked.

"I am not weak!" I shouted back.

"Really?" he sound a bit amused as he started walking towards me. Axel quickly stepped in front him causing Lucifer to stop midway. "Chill. She's under a lot of stress," he mumbled towards him.

Lucifer pushed Axel out the way and stood in front me just 6 inches away. I looked up at him and couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated. "If your not weak, kill me right now," he challenged.

I looked at him a bit shock and unaware of how to complete the task. I then quickly thought of a distraction. I quickly dropped the temperature in the room and formed icicles in the ceiling above him. He looked up and so did I. Within a second, they were falling straight down towards him. As he kept his eyes on them, I quickly reached for his heart only for his hand to stop me midway.

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