Chapter 28

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Skylar P.O.V

I opened my eyes to met a pissed of face. My blood crawled in a bit of fear and shock.

"How are you here?" I asked looking at his black eyes which was inches away from my face.

He shook his head and stood up. I tried to move but I couldn't. I looked around to see I was in a dim room. The walls were a dark red shade and the floor was black.

"You want to tell me what you was doing there?" he asked.

"I-I-How are you here?! Who ranted on me?!" I ignored his question.

He let out an evil chuckle, "Skylar, baby girl, I told you I would find you. Plus I told you I would always find you. So you want to tell me what you were going there?" he asked again.

I stared at him. I remember passing out from the drug but I don't remember Lucifer no where around unless that guy ranted me out. Unless this isn't real. I mean I can't move and this looks like some sort of hell...I think.

"I was in Germany because I wanted to be there for the beer," I lied.

"Germany huh," he smirked as if he got his answer.

My eyes widened as I realized this wasn't real. "Ha! This isn't real. You really don't know where I am do you?" I asked causing his smirk to drop.

"So you really want to play like that huh?" he folded his hands across his chest.

I shook my head, "I will win," I confidently reply.

His eyebrow rose, "Really, because I did find out who broke the force field down. Crystal, right? She says you promise she wouldn't die by my hand. Not so sure about that anymore. Oh and that P.S break up shit you have in your letter really didn't mean nothing because deep down, I know you still care about us. I heard you call my name once but I didn't have enough time to trace you cause you passed out to soon," he stated.

"So this is an illusion?" I asked.

He shook his head and walked up to me before kneeling to my eye level. "I used that chance to snuck into your sleeping mind. When you wake up. You will have a choice. I'm giving you 24 hours to come home. If you do, Crystal will live. If not, she dies," he bluntly stated.

I glared at him, "Why would Crystal's death affect me?" I hissed.

Anger raged within him. "Because whether or not you believe this, you still have a spiritual heart," he shouted before ramming his hand into my chest.

I let out a scream and shot up only for a hand to hold me down.

"It's okay. You're okay," a voice came into hearing. I looked around to see I was on a hospital bed. I looked to see I was hooked up to different medical machines.

"You need to rest," Dee spoke laying me back down. I shook my head and pushed him back.

"I'm fine," I mumbled but he pushed me back down.

I rolled my eyes and glared at him. "You need to regain your health. You lost a lot of blood and-"

"Dee, you're sweet and all but you're pissing me off," I hissed causing him to groan in frustration. He finally gave up and I ripped the IV out of my hand causing me to bleed a bit.

I got dress and walked out the door to see I was in a familiar hallway. It was in Leo's house. We were in the basement. I remember the route he led me when he was taking me into the living room. I trailed around some corners and up some stairs.

"You seem to be on edge," Dee recalled behind me.

I didn't say anything. I found myself in the living room only to be tackled by someone to the ground. I swiftly turned around and rolled over so I was on top of them. I went to snap there neck but a hand stopped me in mid air. I looked up to see Leo was holding my hand.

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