Chapter 1

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Lucifer P.O.V

I watched intensely as James tried to convinced her to go first. She just said no again. Oh Sky, how I admire your stubbornness.

I grabbed James and Gabe and teleported us to the house. I flashed back only to be standing in mid air. Where's the plain?

I frantically searched the sky for the plane but there was no sign. I heard something explode. I looked across to see a missile heading for me. I felt rage go through me. I grabbed the missile and threw it to one of the jets causing it to explode.

I threw a huge fireball at the other jet causing it to also explode. I flew towards the helicopter and pulled the driver out causing the helicopter to lose control.

I looked down sensing for Skylar. I can feel her struggling. I can feel her fighting. I dropped myself down into the ocean and searched for any sighting of the plane. I saw the plan at the bottom of the ocean and started swimming down.

Please be okay Sky.

As I got closer I saw some guys body floating around. I swam to the broken entrance and looked inside to see Skylar's pale body floating in the seat tied down. I ripped the straps off her and grabbed her body. Within a flash we were back at the house.

I dropped her body on the sofa and started performing CPR. "What happened" James shrieked as I continued to breathe in her mouth.

I started to pump her heart. "She got stuck at the bottom of the ocean. They tied her down in a seat" I bluntly replied.

I looked at Sky's body to see she was still unconscious. Stop playing dead Sky.

"AXEL" I called out angrily. Within a second he appeared. He was about to say something but stopped once he saw Sky's body. He rushed over and kneeled down next to me.

He didn't asked questions. He just started performing CPR on her. He then started chanting the chant I used when I once bought Sky back from the dead.

See, I was able to do that once. Only once am I allowed to do that on her and not to mention, the only one. I stood up and watched as Skylar's body got paler by the second. Her lips were turning blue. 

I can't lose you for real this time Princessa. Who's going to smack me every time I say something stupid or even put up with me. I need you in my life. I love you. I wouldn't allow you to just leave me like this. I need you. I don't care how many times I say it. You can't leave me. We were rule this world together. 

Hours passed by and we still crowd her as if she is just in a heavy sleep. Bearing down on her waiting for some type of movement. Some type of flinch to assume she's still alive.

Skylar is not dead. I still refuse to believe this is the end. I can't feel her spirit no long because she does not have one. I can no longer tell her I love her or see her smile or hear her laugh. I should have been the Devil I am and saved her first. She would of hated me for letting one of them die but I could live with it. I cant live without her.

I stood across from Sky's body not knowing how to respond or what to think. My mind is swallowed with memories and emotions. I didn't see her death as it is now. None of us expected this. Fate was a bitch.

I sense a present I once hated and still do. "Have you come to mock my pain" I growled turned around to see a long time familiar face. 

"On the contrary brother, I am here to help" he smiled. I scoffed in this belief. "Help? Help is not what I got when you decided to choose father's side" I hissed.

He leaned against the livingroom door frame. "Still holding on to that I see" he stated.

My hands tightened into a fist begging to meet his face. "Who is he" Gabe asked in a low tone.

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