Chapter 27

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Lucifer's P.O.V

I held her by the throat and lifted her up in midair. I watch as her body turned pale with fear.

"How does two strong witches like yourself allow this force field to have a loop hole," I growled, my body now inflames with fire. Nothing came out her mouth and I broke her neck out of anger.

"Was it nessacary to kill them both," Stephen asked looking at the other dead witch body that was on the floor.

I let go of the other witch and watch as her body dropped to the grown. "Don't push my tempter. Not now," I hissed before pulling my phone out. I dialed in Axel's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Yo," he answered.

"I need you and Micah at the house right now. We have a situation," my voice came out deep.

"Here," Axel's voice came behind me. I turned around to see Axel and Micah both looking at the two bodies on the floor.

"What happened?!" Micah shrieked.

"I need you to find Skylar. Someone helped her escaped. Track her phone and find the last person who contacted her along with who she knows can help her," I ordered them.

Axel pulled out his phone and started to type something in. "Have you tried track her," Micah asked.

I took a deep breath in and out so I don't break his neck. "Axel, she's a demon. I can link to her on some sort of level but only if she's around me. She is no where around me and I can't even read her thoughts unless she calls my name out with some meaning and I can't sense her either because she's two far," I calmly stated.

He nodded his head and Axel shoved his phone in his pocket. "I texted James. He said he'll send me the list of people she has contacted. Did she leave anything hints as to where she would go?" Axel asked.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a letter she left. I shoved it to them and Micah took it from my hand and opened it.

"Dear Piece of Shit," he started reading the letter. "I have found my way out of this force field and I just want you to know, you all can suck it and shove it up your rear. I am pleased to inform you that I am going to run until you can find me. So good luck with that. I am quite upset that you all are trying to force me to be good again. I am pleased with the person I've become and still will be. You can not change that about me no matter how hard you try."

"I suggest you shouldn't look for me though. I'm not only talking to you asshole but to everyone you may get involved in this situation. I find it truly unfair Lucifer can ripe someone's heart out with it being normal but when I do it, it's like the end of the world. Anyways, enjoy me being gone. I plan to stay like this for a long while. P.S, we're no longer together like you said when you broke my neck asshole. Hope to never see you soon you bunch of cunts. Excepting Clyde and his brother of course. I nearly forgot they existed. Nearly. Kay, bye now bitches," Micah finished reading.

Axel and Micah both looked up to me a bit amused at the letter. "So what are you going to do when you find her?" Axel asked.

I let out a sigh. I honestly didn't know what I was going to do. She's slipping away further than I've realized. "I don't know," I admitted. I really don't know.


Skylar P.O.V

We were now in the car heading to whatever location. I was currently in the back seat sitting between Leo and Dee. The two guys in front were the guys from yesterday who was also with Dee. I eventually learned that Leo only trust this 3 guys out of his whole gang and trust me, his gang has more guys than mine. Leo was going over the plan on the walkie talkie with the rest of his guys. There was 6 other armed cars behind us full of guys.

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt