Chapter 50

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I stayed quiet as we were now driving to my mansion. After informing the guys about the plan, I filed for Spencer's release form and I took him out of lunch before taking him shopping for clothes. It was almost 6 in the evening and I still had so much things to do. I pulled up to the house and got out the car. Spencer and I grabbed his bags before walking up to the door. I unlocked the door and walking in.

I placed the bag on the floor and looked around the lobby to see some of the guy were here. As they saw me, their faces lite up to which mine did as well. "It seems like I haven't seen you in decades," James commented as he wrapped me in a hug.

I let out a chuckle into his chest, "You saw me a few hours ago," I hugged him back.

"Not the same as having you here," he smiled before kissing my forehead.

"Well thanks," I commented before walking over to the intercom. "I need everyone in the lobby now," I announced.

Within seconds, everyone was now in the lobby. "Right, everyone met Spencer. Spencer these are my brothers. They will protect you in exchange, you will give them information and help them," I stated to which he nodded his head. "Gabe, Randy and Seth, you're in charge of training. If you want to rotate, it's alright. Questions?" I asked.

"Do we have to constantly watch our backs?" Cody asked.

Before I could answer, Spencer cut me off. "That is not necessary. I vow to help you and not turn rouge," he informed them. I focused and read his mind. He was telling the truth. I then nodded to the guys indicating he was telling the truth.

"Great. Well I need to get a move on," I mumbled before turning to the door.

"Wait!" James called out.

I turned to look at him with questionable look.

"Jayson told us what happened with Sean. Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes," I lied with a smile. I turned on my heel and walked out the door. I heard my name behind called to which I turned to look again.

"You can be honest with us you know," he spoke.

I nodded my head as I looked at all the guy. "I know. I don't ever want you guys to think I don't want to be honest with you. It's just a lot to go through. Just talking about it would take another day by itself. I want you all to look after one another and make sure you keep each other safe," I smiled at them.

"You too sis. Take care of yourself and we will always be here for you," Carter stated as he placed his hand over their heart. They all followed a long and placed their hand over their heart. Piece of me broke as it's been a while since we did this gesture. I did the same in return before walking out the house.

The last time I did that was the dad I was forced to move in with my foster parents. We placed our hand over our heart that day to show that no matter how far apart we were, we would always be in each others heart.

I flashed back on the empty road leading to the other mansion. I pulled into the driveway and got out the car. I walked up to the entrance and walked in only to see the girls standing around spaced out around the lobby.

"What's going on?" I asked as I looked at Jada who a whip in her hand. Part of me knew what was coming. They were going to jump me.

"What we should of done when you arrived," Rocky hissed before they all charged at me.

I was tackled to the floor and punches were landing in my ribs. I let out a groan and kicked the person off me only to have someone punch me in the face. With my all my strength, I punched the person causing them to fall back. A arm wrapped around my neck. I quickly grabbed the person and pulled them over causing them to release their grip. I quickly got up and saw Jada and Ginger standing there watching me with a smirk as the other girls got to their feet.

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