Chapter 6

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I turned around to see everyone just walking around but Clyde was fully looking at me and more at my eyes. Shit. They're probably black.

I looked away and walked up to Cody. "Track the last number and block our tracking signal" I ordered. He nodded his head and took the phone.

"Gabe, drive with James. Everyone, head back to the house" I stated. We all went back to our cars. I got in the driver's seat and Clyde got in the passenger's seat.

We all turned our cars around and head to the house. I felt Clyde's gaze on me the whole time. "Stop that" I huffed as we turned the corner.

"I'm just trying to figure out what just happened" he mumbled.

I let out a sigh, "I just have powers. I can teleport, move things, control the weather. That's about it" I half lied.


"Please don't ask questions" I huffed.

"I was going to say thank you" he stated and I turned to see a small smile on his face. I nodded and we drove the rest of the way in silence.

We finally reached the house and Clyde got out along with me. He took the bags out from the trunk and we walked into the house.

"I'll show you to your room" I stated. We walked up the stairs and down the hall and stopped in front the room next to Gabe's.

I opened the door to reveal Ben passed out on the bed. Clyde placed the bags down and I turned around to exit. "If you need anything, just ask" I stated before closing the door behind me. I walked down to James room to see him shirtless.

I looked at his arm to see it bandaged up. "How's your arm" I asked standing by the door. He turned to me with a smile, "It's good. Nothing to big" he grabbed a shirt and slipped into it.

"So what are you going to do now" he asked.

I shrugged, "Probably see what I can find on this guy". He shook his head, "Cody tried that along with trying to call Jayson for any files but nothing game up so we just have to wait for the tracking to complete. According to Cod, the tracking is a bit more difficult because the signal on this guys line keeps switch but we should get it some time this week" he stated.

"Some time this week?" I groaned and he nodded.

"We have nothing else to go on this guy" I asked and he shook his head causing me to sigh. "So what are you going to do then" I asked.

"Probably get some rest. Everyone decided to just take a long nap" he replied.

"Alright. See you at dinner" I smiled before closing his door.

I walked down the hall and down the stairs into the lobby. I sat on the bar stool and poured myself a drink. I sipped on it and laid my head on the counter.

"Rough morning huh" a voice came next to me. I looked up to see it was Micah.

"Please don't. I'm not really in the mood" I huffed before placing my head down again.

"Fair enough. How are you dealing with things" he asked. I looked up at him to see he was serious. "When did nice you emerge" I asked.

He rolled his eyes and took my drink from my hand before sipping on it. "I may be an asshole but I have my times" he smirked before placing the empty cup down.

I stared at him in shock, "Did you just swear and drank alcohol" I asked astonished.

He rolled his eyes again, "Long story short, I know you probably think I'm heaven's angel and all but I'm not. I'm a fallen archangel but father chose to keep me on his side. Blah, blah. He doesn't really care what I do as long as I get whatever job I am sent to do, done" he spoke in a monotone.

"Ohh" was all I could reply.

"So you and lover boy" he changed the subject.

"He's on a business trip and how long do you have to keep appearing in my life" I asked.

"Until you die" he joked.

I glared at him, "Basically never" I stated and he nodded. Great.

I placed my head back down on the counter and closed my eyes. "So have you figured out your gift yet" he asked.

"Gift?" I questioned without moving or opening my eyes.

He hummed in response, "Yes. You're now a half demon which comes with a gift or whatever you want to call it" he slurred out.

I shrugged not knowing what it was.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I mumbled.

"Why do you like Lucifer" he asked. I open my eyes to see him looking at me.

I sat up in my seat and shrugged, "I don't know. Something about him just clicks with me. Sure he may be an asshole and many, many other things but he can also be sweet and caring when he wants" I stated.

"But is doesn't mean he will stay loyal to you" he bluntly replied.

"I know. He was like that before and during the times he was with someone else we were not even really a couple. But it's different now" I defend.

His eyes were filled with sympathy. "Has he really changed?" his voice came out soft yet powerful.

I looked at him to see he was really serious. "You know something, don't you?" my eyes widened.

He stood up from his seat but I grabbed his hand. He turned around and looked down at me, "Lucifer may have changed around you but it doesn't mean he changed when you're not with him. He's still the same" he stated.

"Hey...Oh am I interrupting something" a voice called from the stairway. I turned to see it was Clyde standing by the stairs.

I turned to Micah who was didn't even bother to looking at Clyde. He kept his eyes fixed on me. "No. I was just leaving" Micah replied.

I realized I was still holding his hand. I released his hand and he gave me a small smile. Before I could say anything he disappeared.

"He has powers too?" Clyde questioned in amazement.

I sat on the bar stool and ignored his is question.

Micah is bluffing. He can't be serious. Lucifer wouldn't be with someone else. He has changed and besides, he didn't even want to leave me.

"You okay?" Clyde's voice came next to me.

I turned to see he took a seat in the bar stool next to me.

"Don't you have something to do like watch Benny or sleep" I asked.

He shook his head, "Not that tired and Benny is knocked out. Who was that guy" he asked referring to Micah.

"No off your business" I mumbled as I poured myself a drink.

"Boyfriend huh" he asked and I turned to look at him.

"Look Clyde, you're in this house for one reason. Protection. I suggest staying out my personal business if you really want protection and he's not my boyfriend" I stayed in a calm voice.

He raised his hand in surrender, "My fault".

I let out a sigh and reached over the counter to get another cup. I passed it to him and he poured himself a drink.

"Do whatever you want. If you need me, I'm in my room. Dinner is at 6" I mumbled while getting up.

I flashed upstairs in my bedroom and closed the door. I walked into my bathroom and stared at my reflection. My hair was a bit messy but otherwise everything seemed to look okay. I stripped from my clothes and hopped into the shower. I rinsed my hair and body clean of anything.

I then hopped out and dried myself. I walked into my room and slipped into a pair of sports bra and underwear. I walked into my closet and took out a shirt, hoodie and leggings. I ordered Domino's ahead of time for dinner and jumped into bed. I spend the rest of the day and night in my room watching movies and doing some business work on my laptop. Sleep was no where along that line.

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