Chapter 9

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I laid back on the double seater loveseat and stared at the stars in the sky. Everyone was knocked out by now and honestly, I didn't want to go to sleep because of Lucifer despite of how tired I was. I honest believe he would mess with me and I didn't like the idea off it especially since he was the one to mess up. I don't care what business deal he had. It's still considered wrong and cheating.

I looked at the pool and raised my hand from my lap. I watched as the water started to stretch up into the sky like a long snake. The wind blew and I let out a sigh and I let the watch drop back into the pool. I went back doing what I was previously doing. Staring at the stars lost in my own thoughts.


Lucifer's P.O.V

She got more powerful!?

Her powers can be used against me!

Fighting with Skylar was like trying to break a brick wall with a rubber band. Honestly nothing happened between me and that slut of a girl. She wanted to go further but I stopped her. It was bad enough I had to eat dinner with her. I know taking the deal was wrong but this asshole agreed to buy 3 of my biggest shipments. I couldn't say no.

I love Sky and I don't blame her for being mad at me but when she broke my neck, I was angry. I would of let it go but then she proceeded to punch and somehow do some damage to me. Then fucking Micah is right behind her, cheering her on. Not to mention, he was carrying her and dancing. No one hold my Princessa like that excepting me. He's lucky I can't make him feel pain and ripe his wings off.

I was serious about punishing Skylar for about a second or so but it wouldn't be to major. Perhaps relive a horrible memory or maybe pull her pants down and spank her. Hey, whichever works right? But my mind somewhat changed a minute when I saw her smile at the little kid in Clyde's arms. I could feel a bolt of happiness struck through her. A monster who has someone who beautiful as the stars in the sky.

I know I'm not the best with relationships but I'm trying. I'm really trying to hold on to her. I can't imagine losing her again. I've done so much damage yet she somehow finds it in her heart to forgive me. I've never met someone like her in all my years. I sat in the chair a few feet away from her where she didn't noticed me.

She was still in her little force field looking up at the stars. She looked so beautiful under the stars. To think she would notice me but no. She was loose in her thoughts. I knew her looks and what each meant. I admire how she still could feel things. Don't get me wrong, I still could feel. I just can't control what I feel sometimes. This just applies to my anger.

I heard a splash and I looked to see the water from mid-air falling back inside the pool. I turned back to Skylar to see the force field growing smaller and weaker. Within the next 10 minutes, it disappeared and I knew she was asleep. I got up and walked towards her. I stood in front the love seat and looked down at her. She was so deep in sleep already. The wind blew and I could tell it was going to rain later on.

I leaned in and picked her up bridal style. Her head laid on my shoulder and her arms wrapped around my neck as a reflex. I couldn't help but smile. I walked back to the house and entered the back door. I walked upstairs and into her room. I placed her in bed and covered her with the blanket.

I watched as she started to snuggle up with the blanket and I couldn't help but smile. I flashed back into my house and changed into just a pair of sweats and then flashed back into Sky's room. I knew she would yell at me in the morning but I didn't care. Sky can stay mad for however long she wants but one thing about her is that it never lasts long. I quietly got into the bed next to her and pulled out my phone.

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें