Chapter 2

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Skylar P.O.V

Make it stop. Make it end. I felt water filling my lungs once again. I started to drown once again. I wanted to scream. I wanted to die already but I was in a loop. What's happening? I felt myself falling asleep once again choking on water.


Choking on water. AGAIN!!! I screamed only to cause oxygen to escape in bubble forms. Black out then repeat. An endless loop. Will it ever end? I felt as if I was Stephen from Vampire Diaries the part where he was drowning in a coffin over and over again.


"AHHHHHHHHHHH" I shouted as I sat up.

"It's okay. You're safe" someone hugged me. The person's scent got really strong and I saw it was James.

"I was drowning" I whispered as I hugged him. So many questions. So many thoughts going through my head. How am I alive? How am I here? What's happening?

"It should have been me" his voice echoed.

"No. You did the right thing" I stated.

James pulled away from me with a confused look, "What right thing? What are you talking about" he questioned.

I rose an eyebrow, "You just said "It should have been me"" I quoted his words.

His eyes widened, "Ohh... I need you to stay calm when I tell you this" he held me by the shoulder. I felt my body tingle as his touch as if I was sensitive. I've never felt this before. It was as if my senses has become stronger.

"Go on" I slowly replied not knowing what to expect.

He took a deep breathe, "You died. You actually drowned. You died yesterday in fact. An archangel who was a messenger told Lucifer that there's only one way to get you out of the death loop thing which was to take your heart and you would be immortal..... You would also be half demon. Trust me, it's not what we wanted but living through a loop of your death is not something I imagine. You weren't going to be taken into heaven and Lucifer was not going to condemn your soul to hell. He was pissed off when he heard you would be a half demon. I don't want you blaming him because we all wanted you out from that realm" James struggled to explain.

I stared at him taking in every word. Yet again, so many thoughts and questions. "Will you guys be stuck as well when you die" I asked.

He shook his head, "No. According to the archangel, we're good. Trust me, I think it's stupid too" he stated.

Is this some sort of punishment?! I'm a half demon. This is not how things should be. Why on earth would this be possible? Am I that bad of a person? Will I be stuck like this forever?

I felt my senses being heightened. "Sky" he called. I got out of bed and felt the room spinning with familiar voices.

Do you think she's up yet?

This shouldn't be happening?

I'm kind of hungry.

Why? Just why do we do this?

The voices swung around my head. I held my head and closed my eyes. "The voices are to loud" I shouted.

"You need to-" James was cut off when I barge out the room. I felt the room spinning in circle. I want to make it to the living room. Within a blink I was in the living room.

What the fuck?

Oh my God.

Did she just flash in here.

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now