Chapter 5

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We eventually made it to iHop. We finished eat and paid for everything. We were now just relaxing a bit and watching Benny and let me tell you, this kid bonded with everyone within seconds. "I've never seen someone connect so easy" James stated as Gabe, Clyde and I was Benny play around with Justin.

"Yeah. He's very social" Clyde mumbled as he pulled out his phone before texting away.

We all went back into silence and I looked around to see all the guys just holding a conversation with one another.

"Clyde! Clyde" Benny screamed as he ran over to us.

Clyde looked up from his phone and glared at his little brother who was now standing in front the table. "What did I tell you about screaming and running in public" he spoke in a stern voice.

Benny's smile dropped a little, "Sorry" he mumbled.

"Just don't do it again" he warned him and Benny nodded. "Can I drive with Justin? He's super funny" Benny asked whilst jumping up and down. I smiled at how adorable it was.

Clyde rubbed the back of his head, "I don't know bud" he mumbled.

"Pleasee" Benny begged.

"Sure. But you have to get someone else to go with you too" I butt in.

He squealed in joy and took off running back to Justin. I turned to Clyde who was just staring at me. "What" I shrugged.

He shook his head and went back to his phone. My senses started to heighten up and I felt everything. I looked around and voices started to echo around in my head. I was invoking everyone's voices. My smell increases and I smelled all the different perfumes and cooking. My hearing turned up to the point where I could hear people outside.

"You okay" James mumbled next to me. I turned to him to see him with worried written all over his face.

I nodded my head. "Everything is just a bit stronger" I mumbled back.

A cell phone rang and I looked around to see it was not inside. I turned to the window and peeked through the blinds. Something in me started to feel a bit off.

"Yes boss" the voice spoke.

I looked around outside and saw 5 black SUV's parked across the street. I looked at the first driver to see him on the phone. "Do you have an eye on the kid? We need to keep an eye on him until tomorrow" the voice came through the phone.

"Yes boss. He's in a restaurant with a group off guys. They must be his friends" the driver replied.

"Just keep an eye on him and don't take any actions unless there is a threat" his boss yelled into the phone.

"Copy that" he replied before hanging up. I released the blinds and turned to James.

"We got to go now" I alerted him.

I got up from my seat and gestured him to wait. I walked over to Justin who was still playing with Benny.

"Hey Benny. Can you give me a minute with Justin" I asked him. He nodded his head with a smile and walked over to Clyde.

I gestured the guys to surround me and they did. "There are 5 black SUV's outside across the street. They are after Clyde. Justin and Randy, you take Benny with you and race home. Drive separately from us and make sure the kid isn't seen when you get outside. We will leave first then you two can leave with Benny. Clyde with drive with us. So they will follow us. Do not drive towards the house excepting for Justin. Everyone act casual" I stated.

"Justin and Randy, when you get home just give him ice cream and put on a movie for him in on of the guest bed room" I ordered.

They nodded and I walked back over to Clyde who is with Benny.

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