Chapter 48

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We walked into another room which just had a pentagram in the center. "Stay here," he gestured next to the door.

I did as told and watched as he stepped inside the pentagram. His body inflamed and the pentagram on the floor started to let go a black smoke. The room then started to shift and I watched as Lucifer had now set the pentagram on fire. The floor started to open revealing a hole. The fire went out and he put his flames out before gesturing me to come over.

I walked over and looked down to see a lite hold about 50 feet drop. "Jump," he spoke before jumping himself. I followed behind and after a few seconds, I was now in Lucifer's arms bridal style. "Thanks," I smiled as he placed me down. He gave me a smile before holding my hand and leading me towards a door that was in the center of the room. It was black and had some random animals engraved into it. The door wasn't even attached to a wall. I looked behind it to see there was nothing but just the back of the door.

Lucifer let out a chuckle a bit amused by my confusion. He then reached for the hand and turned it before pushing the door open. As it opened, a bright light came through. My mouth dropped in shock as I was witnessing what this magical door. Inside the door frame was acres of land and blue skies. It was like looking through a window with paradise beyond.

"Go on," Lucifer smiled gesturing for me to go. I walked in and gasped as I was now seeing the full thing. Trees and gardens all around with waterfalls and lakes. Rainbows and cool breeze roamed across the whole land. This was like another dimension itself. Something started to nibble at my hair and I turned only to let out a small scream as I saw something a huge Eagle bird next to me. As I stumbled back, a pair of arms caught me.

"It's okay. It's harmless," Lucifer spoke. I looked at the creature in front of me who was just staring back at me. I honestly felt like the thing was judging me.

"W-what is it?" I asked as I watched the creature sit in front me. It had a head of an Eagle and a body of a horse.

"Hippogriff or also known as a Griffin. He's really friendly just don't piss him off," Lucifer chuckled before rubbing the Griffin's head. The Griffin had wings of white but under was a soft shade of blue. "You can pet it if you want," Lucifer smiled.

Slowly walking up to it, I reached out only for it to reached forward at me meeting me half way. I softly stroked his head only for it to snuggle up next to me.

Lucifer let out a chuckle, "Looks like he likes you a lot."

His phone started to ring and I was a bit surprised he got service in here. "I need to answer this. Feel free to explore," he spoke before kissing my head. He then walked a distance away before answering the call. I looked back to the Griffin who was now staring at me.

"Well aren't you just a cutie," I squealed as I rubbed his head. He then gawked as if it was his way of responding. He then lowered himself to the ground before tilting his back towards me.

"Am I suppose to get on?" I asked in confusion and almost face palmed myself as I realized I was expecting it to tell me.

It then gawked again causing me to be a bit surprised. I slowly got on and held on gently to it's neck as it stood up.

"Well this is -"

I was immediately cut off and the Griffin just took off into the air with me on his back. I let out a small scream but stopped as I looked around. We were high in the air and it honestly felt nice. I looked down to see there were other creature walking around. Some were bathing in the lake and the others were just sleeping or running around. They soon disappeared in the distance and I realized I was getting further away from Lucifer.

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