Chapter 47

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I looked over to Lucifer to see him eyeing Sean who was doing the same thing in return at us. "It would be much easier if I could just rip his head off his body," Lucifer hissed into my ear. I was now the one sending a glare at him. "You know we cant do that. He would just come back and it would put the girls in trouble," I explained.

He took his eyes off me and gave me a sincere look. "Sweetheart, not trying to be a buzz kill but it honestly doesn't matter to me if they die or not. They're literally going straight to Hell," he informed me.

"They're that bad?" I asked. He simply just nodded before looking back at Sean. I looked towards the girls to see the dancing wild and it was pretty obvious to say they were drunk.

"Look, as much as that would make things easier for you, it wouldn't for me. My mission is to protect them and you raining Hell fire on Sean would not help so please, just do me one favor tonight and just don't kill anyone," I begged.

He let out a sigh before leaning in to plant a kiss on my forehead. "Fine," he mumbled to which I thanked him. I glimpsed over at the time and saw it was almost 5 in the morning. It was time to go whether or not the girls wanted to leave. "It's time to leave. I'll get the girls in their car and drive them back to the house. What are you going to do?" I asked.

"Drive behind you of course. I'll sleep over tonight. See you there?" he questioned as I got off his lap. I nodded my head, "Of course," I replied.

I walked over to the girls to see they were now stumbling over their two feet. Getting them home was going to be a mission but itself. I walked up to Jada and tugged on her arm only for her to roll her eyes as soon as she saw me. Piece of me just wanted to slap but the other piece wanted to wait until she's sober so she remembers and feels it.

"What?" she tired to hiss but inside just slurred it out.

"It's almost closing time and we have to go. I'll drive us home since you're all drunk," I replied. She shook her head, "No, he's going to drive us," she pointed over to Sean. I looked over to Sean who seemed a bit annoyed by now and I honestly wouldn't blame him. These girls are just ... a challenge by itself.

Sean shook his head, "Would love to ladies but I've got to make some calls," he spoke in a firm tone as he looked at me. "Great, well come on," I grabbed two of the girls hands and ushered them towards the exit. I looked over to Lucifer and nodded for him to quickly grab the other 3 girls. He did and managed to ignore Sean's exist whilst doing so.

I walked out the car and headed to the Jeep the girls came in. "Who has the keys?" I asked as we approached the Jeep. "I do. Would you like to get it," a voice behind me slurred out. I turned to see it was Ginger who was grinning at Lucifer as he was holding her arm to keep her from falling on her face.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "Don't start with me. Give her the damn keys," he demanded. I watched as her face turned a bit pale before she started fumbling around her pocket for the keys. She then quickly pulled it out the keys and passed it to me. I looked over to Lucifer who just gave me a smirk then a wink.

I gave him a smile and opened the door before making all the girls hop in and buckle themselves. I then got into the driver's seat and started the car before driving out the lot and down the road. It was now officially 5 in the morning so the place was quiet and the streets were cleared.

Within a blink a white Bugatti was next to me and I looked over to see it was Lucifer. He gave me a smile to which I returned. I spent the next hour thinking about what had happened today with the girls and then what happened between Sean and I. It was honestly disgusting how he played me like that but I couldn't help but feel as if part of it was my fault for not noticing. I should a known it was not Lucifer when Sean had kissed me in front anyone like that.

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