Chapter 41

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Warning (MUST READ): May trigger certain unwanted feelings and may contain mature contains. I am in no way influencing the type of behavior or practice. Depending on how viewers respond to this chapter or whether this chapter had been flagged, I may rewrite or take it down (maybe). I know some of you may have a problem with it but I warned you.

Song: Two Feet - I Feel Like I'm Drowning 

I let out a painful groan as I stretched across something soft. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked around to see I was in my room. I heard something beep next to me and I turned my head to see I was hooked up to a pulse machine. I was a bit weird out since I didn't expect to have a pulse considering I was a demon. Slowly sitting up, I felt something shifted against my neck but held on. Lifting my hand up to touch it, I felt something cotton and it was now pretty clear my neck was bandaged up. I let out a sigh remember what had happened but my eyebrow rose for a second.

Why would they bandage my neck up? I automatically self heal.

Getting off my bed, I turned the pulse machine off before unplugging it from my finger and walking to the bathroom. As I made my way to the bathroom, I noticed I was in a large shirt with a sports bra.

Who changed me? How long was I out for?

Walking up to my bathroom mirror, I looked at my reflection to see my I looked actually sick, close to dead actually. My skin was pale and my eye had darkened underneath. My eyes trailed to my neck and I decided to uncover whatever it was when I finished brushed my teeth. After some time, my eyes trailed back to my neck and I gently pulled off the bandage to see a fresh bite mark from that ass-hat.

Why wasn't I healing?!

A bit annoyed, I covered it back up and let out a sigh.

"You should have joined me," a voice came behind me causing me to jump in freight. I turned around to see it was that guy who bit me. Before I could respond, he quickly cut me off, "Before you try to attack me or call someone, I'm just part of your illusion so only you can see me," he informed me.

I eyes him from head to toe. He looked physically here. I grabbed the nearest thing to my side and threw it at him only causing the object to pass right through him.

He rolled his eyes, "Told you," he scoffed as he was now eyeing me from head to toe. A smirk landed on his face as he was now looking at the bottom half of me which was pants-less.

"Thirsty much?" I scoffed as I walked out the bathroom and towards my closet before grabbing a random pair of jeans and slipping into them.

He then emerged from around the corner and looked around my closet.

"Get out!" I ordered causing his eyes to snap onto mine.

He shook his head, "No. We need to talk," he insisted.

"Talk my ass. You bit me!" I shrieked.

"Precaution. Anyways, I go by the name Liam to those who don't personally know me and don't even bother telling Lucifer or anyone my name because I go by many names," he sent a wink my way causing me to hiss.

"Fuck off," I mumbled before slipping on some soaks. As I stood up, his face was approximately 5 inches away from mine. His eyes gazed into his brown eyes. As I looked closer, it was more of a hazel color. His jawline was straight and I felt a bit intimidated as he was more built than me and taller.

"This isn't a game you can win. I will personally destroy you to the point even God can't save you. Do you honestly think I would attack you not without knowing your weaknesses along with your personal life?" he let out a deep chuckle which cause me to freeze in my spot. "I've studied you down to the tiniest detail and I swear, telling anyone about this wouldn't help you case. If you even try to tell anyone, I will make you suffer the consequences which I really don't want to do but if you force me too, I will. Just keep in mind I know where you live, I know what you do for the government and I know all you guys or so called 'family'," a smug look made it's way on his face as he mentioned the guys.

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