Chapter 33

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I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my bedroom. I felt pain take over my body for a second but it went away. I sat up and looked to see I was hooked up to some drips along with some other machines. "You're up," a voice came across the room. I turned my head to see some of the guys on the couch staring at me with a small smile.

"How did I get here?" I asked in a stern voice.

Silence ran through the room. "I bought you here," an old voice entered the room. I turned my head towards the door to see Axel.

A small smile took over his face, "I was with Lucifer and he hear you calling him. He tried to -"

"Where's Gabe?" I cut him off not caring. I know I asked the question but now Gabe is my priority.

His smile dropped a bit, "He's on drips in his room. You guys have been out for about 4 days now. You should get some rest and..."

I didn't pay attention to what he saying. I got off the bed and felt a little dizzy but I held myself up. An arm held me causing me to look up. It was James.

"Sky, you need to rest," he softly spoke. I pushed his hand away and ripped the needle out my hand. "I have to see him," I mumbled before turning around to walk out my room but James stood in my way.

"Look, I know you care about him and you want to see him but you're so weak Sky. You're not even healing," he frowned as he looked down to my stomach. I followed his eyes and saw my stomach was patched up.

I looked up at James and glared at him. "You either move or I will move you," I threatened. He seemed to get the message because he moved from my way. I walked out my room and down the hall. I opened the door to see some of the guys in Gabe's room. I nodded my head for them to give me some privacy. They nodded and walked out before shutting the door behind them.

I walked over to his bedside. He was on the oxygen machine along with a pulse machine and drips. I looked at his arm to see it was lightly banned up. I kissed his forehead before sitting on the edge of his bed.

Letting out a sigh, I looked up at the ceiling trying to hold my tears in. "I hold you really do way up. I'm sorry I couldn't save you before you passed out. I really did try my hardest. I know I promised to get you out myself. I...I don't even know anymore. I don't even know what I would do without you. I wish there was something I could do for you," I exhaled and closed my eyes.

"You could just shut up and lay next to me," a voice croaked out. I turned my head and saw Gabe had slipped off his oxygen mask.

"But I-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he grabbed my arm and yanked me down next to him so I was laying down. He slipped the oxygen mask back on and laid on his side. "I'm not ready to leave you yet," he spoke through the mask causing me to smile a bit. His eyes gazed down my body and stopped on my stomach.

"Yeah, don't ask. I don't know why I'm not self healing," I huffed.

He nodded and pulled me into his chest. "Thank you for protecting me. You never did fail," he mumbled. I didn't bother to reply because I knew he had just fallen back asleep. I couldn't help but smile. Gabe was okay. Everyone was okay. Things were going to be okay...Right?


I shoved a forkful of pancake then bacon in my mouth. After a few hours had past, Gabe and I got up and showered before running downstairs into the kitchen. We were literally hungry. I finished my plate of food and got up from my seat. I pulled open the fridge door looking for more food.

"Grab the pizza and the wings," Gabe muffled through his last pancake. I grabbed both boxes from the fridge and walked over to Gabe. I set the boxes on the table and walked back around the island. I opened the nearest cabinet near the fridge and took out a bottle of rum and vodka.

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now