Memories, Painful Memories

Start from the beginning

The Aztec king and queen. Covered their children with their own bodies. As the men fired shots.

Soon 3 of the men left

Spain stayed behind.

He saw the 2 children and tried to grab Maria as Diego kicked him in the leg.

Their mother tiredly raised her head up before yelling at her children

"Run !!! stay together, don't let them get you, protect your sister !!!!"

She then collapsed

"Mama! !!" Maria yelled trying to run back to her mother.

But Diego grabbed his sister's hand and ran out of the hut with her.

Spain ran after them.

The memory soon changed.

It showed Maria and Diego running to a river. Soon the children hid behind a bush.

"What about mama and papa? " Maria asked

"Their gone, we can't go back "

Maria soon started crying. Diego pulled her into his chest.

He looked like he wanted to cry but stayed stronger for his sister.

The memory changed again

Next it showed a woman with two little boys one of them had a polar bear with him.

They looked a lot like

America and Canada ?

The woman soon stopped and turned around.

"Mama what's wrong?" The boy who looked like Canada asked.

"I heard something" she said to him

They stayed quiet and heard sniffling and shushing

The woman soon ran to a bush and moved the leaves revealing 2 children.

"Are you 2 ok ?" She asked the kids who seemed scared

"It's ok I won't hurt you"

That seemed to be enough for Maria.

She soon launched herself into Native America's arms.

"Mama and Papa are gone" She cried.

Native America picked the girl up and rubbed circles on her back.

"Who's your Papa"

"The Aztec king " Diego answered

"So your North and South Mexico"

The 2 Mexicos looked surprised

Native America didn't really talk with the Aztec king and queen. But when she heard about the Europeans she came over to see if he and his people were okay.

Clearly they weren't.

"Mama who are they ?" America asked

"This is North and South Mexico together they make the country Mexico."

"Oh you mean the country under me ?"

"Yes my son" Native America smiled at her son

Then they heard voices

It sounded like Spain.

"They might be over here" he said.

Maria started to snuggled closer into Native America

"Maska, Kanta, Mexico come with me it's not safe here.

The 3 boys followed Native America.

Once again the memory changed again.

The next memory showed the 5 sitting near a hut.

Native America was braiding Maria's hair.

While Maska (America), and Kanta (Canada) were playing with a bunny.

Diego was just watching.

Soon Maska looked at Diego.

"North, do you want to play with us ?"
He asked.

Diego looked at Native America who just smiled

"You want me too" he asked

"Yeah come on"

Diego soon joined the two.

"Where will we live now" Maria asked
Native America causing the other 3 kids to look up.

"You can live with us" Native America replied.

"Like a family ? " Maria asked.

"Yes" she replied.

"But what about Mama and Papa ?"
Maria asked again

"They are your parents and always will be and will always love you, you don't have to forget about them though "

"So we're a family " Diego asked

"Yeah we are" Maska replied.

The memory and light soon faded.

Tears came to Diego's eyes as he saw the last memory.

The one where he had family again.

America and Canada smiled at the memory. That's when they gained their new siblings.

When their mother faded away she told them to stick together and they did.

The Aztec king and queen looked down at their children they were extremely proud of them.

The 2 turned to Native America.

"Thank so much for taking care of them" the king said, tears in his eyes.

"You'll never have to thank me for that"

Back down below.

Spain looked very guilty.

He knew he had to make this right.

He walked up to the Mexican siblings.
And the 3 soon stepped outside together.

China picked up the book again.







Anyway this was dedicated to Mult- China-APH

Honestly this was a really nice chapter to write

How'd you guys like it ?

Any requests or criticism?

Anyway Sealand will be next chapter and by the way I'm updating that might be tomorrow.

Ok bye !!!!



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