Part 42: Goodnight

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Sasuke's POV

"My head's under water
But I'm breathing fineeeeeeee
Your crazy and
I'm out if my miiiiiiiiiiind
Coz aaaaaaaaaaallllll of meeeeeeee
Looooooooves alllllllllll of yooooooo
Love your curves and all your edges
All your-"

"You'll wake him up itachi" I whispered angrily

"Sorry, sorry I'm just happy" he laughed slightly "I still can't believe it"

"Well it's time you do. You had 3 hours to get used of it"

"No I just can't *fan girl squick*"

"For f#ck sake Nii-san.."

"I'm sorry hehe, is he still sleeping?"

I glanced at Naruto, who was laying in my arms "What do you expect. It's midnight already" gently, I slid my hand down his face and pushed away some of the hair that was near his eyes "He defunetelly didn't have fun on that camp.."

"I doubt that he didn't have fun.. it was just too tiring, even for someone as energetic as Naruto to handle"

"Hn.." I was watching Naruto's sleeping face, not paying too much attention to the road or to my brother. Suddenly, Naruto's nose moved a bit "Haha"

"What are you giggling at..?"

"Nothing really" I said while smiling "He just moved his nose a bit.. I found it cute"

"You are seriously gonna give me a hear attack with those comments. I'm not used of you being so.. nice and.. caring with someone" Nii-san used really quiet voice while speaking "I'm trully happy at the moment"

"Your happiness is my happiness" I said sarcastically. And then I thought about my brother's relationship "Hey.. Naruto mentioned Menma's name.. do you think.. He was talking about.."

"My lover?" Itachi finished my sentence for me "I am 98% sure he did"

"Hah.." I let out a small laugh. Seriously... Why is everything connected with you Naruto? Why is this person Menma communicating with you when you don't even know him?

"Itachi..." I knit my eyebrows together because I was getting angry "This guy Menma.. I have no idea what he got himself into but is he putting Naruto in danger? Is he gonna hurt him?"

"No!" Itachi slightly raised his voice "He.. would never hurt anyone Sasuke. In my opinion, he is reaching to him for help"

I let an irritated sigh "No offence but why doesn't he ask you for help? I told you that Naruto has enough problems, why him?" I was already angry by the time I finished my question. People just won't let him have a calm life and that's it.

"I think it's because he is only able to reach Naruto"

"I would ask 'Why' but I'm sure you don't have an answer so I'll just stay quiet"

"Sasuke" itachi sighed "I know you feel like Naruto is not able to take a break from everything that's happening but.. this is really important to me.." his voice saddened as he continued speaking "I've looked for him everywhere, I tried everything to find him and when I was about to lose hope, your boyfriend starts to .. dream of him?" Even itachi wasn't sure what to think about the situation.

Okay too many things are happening. I need to organise my thought. First Neji is not sending the messages so who is it.. second why my parents have a picture of Naruto's family.. third why is Menma talking to Naruto..forth.. the date today..

"Nii-san! What's the date today?"

"Umm.." He loocked at his phone " 10th of October. Why do you ask?"

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