Part 11: "Itachi,shut up!"

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"Wow, that's quite an insteresting scene" a voice broke the silence.

I turned aground surprised. A guy that looked around the age of 20 stood beside us. He had the same pretty black, messy hair as Sasuke.

"Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt" he appologysed

"Wipe that smirk off your face Itachi" Sasuke said in an angry voice

"Sorry... I can't..." the guy named Itachi said with a huge smile on his face and looked at me "oh you must be the guy who started school couple days ago right?"

"Yes, that's me" I smiled nervously

"Wow you are so cute!"


"I am?" I blushed a bit .. but Sasuke gave me a 'wtf' look. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything..

"No you are not" Sasuke said coldly and then looked at the other guy "why aren't you waiting in the car Itachi?"

"Because I saw this heartwarming scene and couldn't help but come and say hello to the only person who is able to hug you and live to tell the story" Itachi said happily, not taking his eyes off me

"Itschi... Shut up and go back.. I'll come in a while" Sasuke sounded annoyed but Itachi didn't pay attention to him

"So what is your name? Where do you come from? Are you Japanese? Oh my you have blond hair and blue eyes. So unique" Itachi complimented me

I looked at Sasuke who was losing his patience

"Oh don't mind my brother. I'm sure you know by now but he is rude by nature"

"Shut it already Itachi!" Sasuke raised his voice

"So what do you like about my brother?" He asked while still ignoring Sasuke

"B-brother?" That's Sasuke's brother??!?! "Wow.. no wonder you look so alike" I was really impressed how many similar features they had

"Sasuke won't introduce us otherwise so I decided to make the first step" He was still smiling at me. His and Sasuke's atitudes are totally different...

"I see.. Well then! Nice to meet you! I'm Naruto and I like eating ramen.. and any free food!" I smiled back at him

"Hahahaha" he started laughing

"Itachi!!" Sasuke said his name with warning tone

"Hahaha I'm sorry haha"

"Did I say something funny" I asked, confused

"No, no hahaha I'm sorry. So you are Naruto? Your name is as unique as your looks! I really like it" Sasuke's older brother complimented me again

"Thank you!" I smiled "I like your name as well!" I said it because I wanted to compliment him as well

"Naruto!" Sasuke gave me second 'wtf' look

"Yes?" I replied innocently

"Oh don't be jealous Sasuke, I'm sure Naruto likes your name as well, don't you, Naruto?"

"Of course I love his name!" I said without thinking

Sasuke's face got a bit red as I said that

"No way.. are you blushing Sasuke?" Itachi kept smirking at us the whole time but when he saw Sasuke's red face he froze with half oppened mouth.

"O-of course I'm not! Stop taking nonesence and go back in the car. I'll come in a while. I need to take care of.. something"

"Take care of something..?" Itachi looked at me carefully "Naruto! What happened to your face and hands?" Oh he noticed the fight marks

"Nothing really ..." I mumbled not sure what to say

Sasuke signed ..

"Are you sure you can go home like that...? How will you explain the bruises to your aunt? And the leg injury?" Sasuke finally calmed down and spoke up.

"I'm .. not sure"

If she find out ... I'll be flying to another town again ...

"Itschi... Mom and dad left for the weekend didn't they?"

"A while ago yeah"

Sasuke and Itachi exchanged looks

"Naruto ... I can't believe it but my brother just asked if you can come over and possibly spend the night in our house" Itachi turned towards me "you have my blessing" He said with a serious voice

"Your blessing?" I asked confused

"Itachi!! Damn it, can't you just ask him like normal people do?!" Sasuke slapped his forehead

'So what do you say Naruto? You'll come right? Please come. That's the first time Sasuke has invited someone over"

"Erm..." I looked at Sasuke, making sure he wants me to come. After couple seconds I replied "yeah, sure.. I'll text my aunt and tell her"

"Amazing!" Itachi grabbed my hand and bag and we headed towards his car. As we got in and started driving he finally started talking to Sasuke

"I can't believe you finally have a friend for a sleepover"

"For 10th time Itschi, shut it and drive"

"Naruto, don't pay attention to Sasuke, he is just shy!" Itschi laughed

"I'm not! Now shut the hell up!"

"You know what Naruto? Sasuke kept talking about you these days. He was so happy coming to school! I bet it was because he wanted to see you"

"Sleep with one eye opened tonight Itachi"

I couldn't help but laugh

"Hahaha. You two look similar but you have such a different personalities, it's so funny listening to you" I smiled at them

Sasuke didn't say anything and just looked at the window

"You think so? Haha thank you" Itachi smiled "so which personality do you like more?"

"W-what?" I jumped in surprise. I didn't expect him to ask such a question... I like his kind personality but I really don't mind Sasuke's moodiness either.

"Don't answer" Sasuke turned towards me with a serious look

"Oh come on Sasuke. You are just scared that Naruto would like my nice personality better" Itachi kept grinning

"Please go and choke on a ...." Sasuke snapped at him but didn't finish his sentence and just looked through the window again

"Are you okay Sasuke" I looked at him with concern. His brother seems really nice but I feel like he is trying to bully Sasuke and I didn't like this


"That's the first time I see him get embarased so easily, you know? You must be special Naruto"

"Go f#ck yourself Nii-san!"

"I'm saying the truth Sasuke. Can't I be happy that you finally like someone?"

"I swear Itachi... Zip your mouth or I will do it for you!"

They continuse to argue untill we finally reached Sasuke's house. Ah.. so this is how real brothers are like? It must be nice...

Ah I had so much fun writing this! I hope someone likes it!

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