Part 14: Naruto's Past 2/2

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Naruto's POV

"Ahhh that was a nice shower!" I stopped the running water and took a towel but.. oh God. I don't have any clothes to put on except the uniform..
I have to ask Sasuke for something..

"Hey Sasuke!" I raised my voice slightly

"Wait.. take this " I saw the bathroom door oppening slightly. Sasuke's hand sneaked through the gap and held some clothes "you need clothes right?"

"I'm so gay for you right now Sasuke" I laughed


Hn? That's all he's gonna say? No 'don't even joke about it' or 'shut up' ? Wow..

I took the clothes and asked if everything is alright with him but I didn't get a reply.

I got dressed and left the bathroom.

"Should I turn off the lights?" I asked

Sasuke raised an eyebrow "you are sleeping here? I mean in this room? With me?"

"That's kinda the point of a sleepover.."

Sasuke didn't answer because we heard a knock on the door 

"Come in" Sasuke quickly replied and the next second Itachi showed himself on the door way

"Sorry to interrupt" he smiled "I came to say goodnight to you Naruto-kun" he winked at me "oh and Sasuke, don't be too loud, little brother. Now goodnight"

"Goodnight Itachi! I hope you sleep well" I said as he left

"Remind me not to bring you here again when Itachi is around.." Sasuke sighed

"Hah. Don't worry. I don't mind his atitude"

Sasuke glanced at me "Normal guys would get annoyed or creeped out by his behaviour, you know..?"

"Maybe I'm not like normal guys then...?"


"So should I turn off the light?" I asked again

"I will do it... You are scared of the dark right?"

Oh he remembered.. Sasuke is really nice after all..
I got under the blanket on the left side of the bed. Sasuke went to the bathroom (probably to brush his teeth) and then came in bed as well..

20 minutes passed and I still couldn't fell asleep. The pillow sheets smeeled of him.. the blanket smelled like him.. the clothes I wore smelled like him.. the whole room had his smell!!! I think I was going crazy.. and hard. That was the moment of realization.. I liked Sasuke.. I liked a boy..

Suddenly a voice broke the silence

"Hey Dobe, are you sleeping" he asked sofltly

"No.. I can't fell asleep" because of you of course but I can't say that

"Do you wanna talk?"

So I can confess to you? Sure let's talk!

"Okay, let's talk" I turned towards him and he turned towards me "don't get so close, teme!" Thank God it was dark so he couldn't notice that I was blushing like crazy ..

"Huh? What's up with you?


"You act very suspicious.."

"Good observation detective Uchiha" I replied sarcastically.

"Hn.. so .. it kinda.. bothers me that we spend so much time together but I don't know anything about you.. like... I don't want you to tell me every gingle detail about your life.. but I want to know at least what's happening between you and Neji.. That's what I wanted to talk about.."

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