Part 5: "I like the new guy"

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Sasuke's POV

Naruto didn't want to see me loose against Neji and Lee?

"Since when did you become a member of my fan-girl group" I smirked

"Fan-GIRL group ?!?!" Naruto blushed

"Hah" I let out a small laugh "You really are an idiot"

"And you really like insulting people"

"Actually I like ignoring people" I corrected him

"Ignore me then" Naruto crossed his arms and looked at one side acting angry. Hah... He isn't a girl but still acts like one... But for some reasong I find his atitude very entertaining

Naruto's POV

The bell rang and people started coming into the changing rooms. Sasuke distanced himself from me.

"Naruto-kunnn" that's Sai's voice "I'm gonna show you where your next class is ok?"

What in God's name is wrong with this guy... From Mr. Smile he turns into Mr. Ignorance. After that he goes from Mr. Ignorance to Mr. Hater ... Then back to normal... Does he have mental issues?

"Oh .. well.. thank-"

"Come with me"

Sasuke's POV

I grabbed Naruto's arm and went out of the changing rooms with him. That Sai.. Can't he be more obvious

"Sasuke?" He looked at me questionably

"You can thank me later"

"Thank you"

"What?" Did he really just thanked me

"Thanks. Sai really gives me bad vibes. Even if he was willing to show me where my next class is I still don't like him" Naruto explained

I stared at him

"Well I guess that even an idiot like you can see if someone is acting suspiciously" I signed

"Yeah.. Wait stop calling me an idiot"

"Dobe then"

"That doesn't work either! Geez are you giving everyone a nickname or something?" The dobe asked

Of course I'm not. He just happen to be the first person I have a nickname for.

As we were talking Neji passed by

"Being able to run fast didn't help you with the basketball, did it?" He asked half-laughing

"And you are calling me an asshole?" I turned towards Naruto

"I guess I deserve that. I didn't play properly after all. Ah..." He signed "next time let's be on the same team"

"Do you think I can't win against you" I raised my eyebrows at the blond


"Hah..." That's not funny "you and me, basketball room, now" I said in annoyed voice

"But out next class is ..." Naruto tried to speak

"I'll make up some excuse. I'm student council, teachers trust me. Now move"


We started playing basketball again. The difference this time was that Naruto was totally serious about the game. He was winning by couple points ... I've never thought someone can have quicker reflexes than me (except my brother Itachi of course)

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