Part 34: Orochimaru appears

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Naruto's POV

"Claaaaaas we arrived!" 'Guy sensei yelled "Welcome to the Forest of Death"


"F-forest of Death..?" Sakura asked a bit worried

"Ah but of course!! Let's go"

He left the bus but nobody else moved.. The name of this forest is familiar..

Sasuke and Neji looked at me, seeing that I'm confused

"Idiot" Neji said and started walking out of the bus with Kiba, Shikamaru, Chouji, Ino, Temari, TenTen, Lee and Sakura following him

Sasuke's hand touched my showder "You are not an idiot. Maybe you know this Forrest by another name.. for example 'Suicide Forest' ?"

" 'Suicide Forest' hmm.. OH!!!" I remembered "people.. who want to end their life come here! That's why its called like that! We learned this in my previous school!"

"I'm glad you know this but there is no reason to be happy about it" Sasuke sighed and started walking

I suppose he is right.. In the worst scenario I'll have to fight with this imposter but as long as Sasuke doesn't get hurt.. I'll be fine.

We got out of the bus and.. wow that was actually a creepy forest.. the trees were so tall that they blocked most of the daylight.

Sasuke glanced at my way and I saw his warm smile "it's ok" he patted my back. Hah.. I should be the one making sure you are ok, teme..

"Sir.. I don't think we should go in there" Ino said "My mother had told me that people find peace in there so you shouldn't interrupt their spirit"

Spirit.. by the sound of this word, chills run down my body. Neji raised an eyebrow at me and I shoved my face in Sasuke's chest, making sure this guy doesn't notice that I'm scared.

"He isn't looking anymore" Sasuke stroked my back

I looked at him and nodded

"Eh come on, it will be fun I promise!"

"If you say so Guy sensei.." Lee's voice was unsure as he spoke but followed everything that the person who looked like our teacher told him. I didn't know Lee was this attached to Guy sensei...


We've been walking for around 10-15 minutes and I have the feeling that we are totally lost.. Everyhtung here lookes the same.. and the place is so quiet.. there are definetelly no animals living here.. When the fake Guy sensei wasn't looking, Neji did activate his byakugan and looked for road that can help us escape

"This forest is huge.." Neji mumbled "the landscape is the same.. there are no rivers or animals.."

I knew it..

"But there is something like a cabin, near the middle of it, there might be a phone there or..."

"We don't have signal.." Sasuke sighed

"Sensei!" Sakura yelled and everybody stopped "I'm not going further! I'm sorry.. this place is too creepy.. I'm sure we can do survival games outside of the Forest or somewhere else!"

"Heeh..? But it won't be a real survival game if your life is not in danger right..?" His voice deepened and an evil smile grew on his face

"W-what do you mean...?" Ino asked

"Exactly what I said.. it's like.. learning how to perform first aid without having someone hurt to begin with"

This guy is crazy..

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