Part 4: Naruto is holding back

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Naruro's POV

This PE lesson is taking forever. Not that I mind. We are finally going to play basketball.

"Okay fowks, we were planning a serious basketball competition today that was gonna determine your first PE grade but since Naruto is new it wouldn't be fare. So we are gonna play just for fun today" Everybody looked pleased as Guy sensei said this

"Guy sensei! Do we choose the teams or you will?" Sakura asked ... She was probably going to join Sasuke's team. I would do the same tho. I mean why not? I give up on competing with him after all.

"Hmm.. I would like Naruto and Sasuke to be in different teams since they have similar speed skills... The rest of you can choose in which team you want to be.

Perfect... That's the exact opposite of what I wanted to happen.

I was staring at Sasuke.. He didn't seem to be paying much attention to what was going on tho. Finally he looked at me and smiled. My heart skipped a beat. Hehe.. maybe there is a chance for us to be friends.

"Naruto-kun!" I saw Lee walking towards me "I'll be on your team! Let's defeat Sasuke together!"

Defeat Sasuke? I don't want to defeat him... Well I don't mind friendly competition but...

"Haha I would like to join as well" Sai came to us, smiling friendlyish.. but there was something evil about his smile..

What the...? Does he hate Sasuke or something?

"Hah. You had a chance at beating him at the running practice so I guess you are not that useless. If I join you tree we can smash him on the court" that guy Neji came to us

"S-smash him?" I repeated with suprise

"Yes!!!! Victory for us!" Lee exclaimed

Victory...yeah but isn't smashing him a bit extreme...?

"Okay get ready my kids! Let's win the world cup!" Here we go again ... Guy sensei and his world cup... What a teacher

The teams were decided.

Me, Lee, Neji, Sai, one girl called Temari, someone named Kankuro, Chouji and Shikamaru were in my team. We had one girl called Hinata and couple other guys but I don't know their names.

On the other side .. Sasuke's team had Kiba, some red haired guy, Sakura, Ino .... And like 100 other girls . What the F?!?!?!? Can he really win like that!??!?!?!?


The game started. Okay... Sasuke and his fan-club were going pretty fine. I mean.. Sasuke was doing pretty fine. And Sakura too.. but Neji and Lee .. even Sai.. they were all over them. The rest of the girls were barely able to bounce the ball properly.

Whenever I grabbed the ball I simply scored a point with it. I am pretty good at aiming.. I practice a lot at home.. not with a ball tho.

"Naruto! Score!" Chouji passed me the ball and I trew it from the middle of the basketball court and it did score. I wasn't suprised but everyone else seemed impressed.

The score was 14 for us and 13 for Sasuke's team.. I was trying to move as little as possible. I was basically only standing still and hoped that no one would trow the ball at me so I don't score ... The teams weren't equal ... I don't know why I'm so protective over Sasuke but.. Damn that isn't a fare game.

14 to 14 ...

The next score wins

I can't do this

"Guy sensei.." I moaned while holding my stomach " can I go to the bathroom...I'm not feeling okay" I lied

"Oh ma boi!!!! Yeah go!!" He said a bit worried " the class will end soon in a few mins so it's all okay. You did good!!! No maths classes for you!"

Yey. At least he thought I did well. It didn't really matter tho. I am not a big fan of team sports.

I went to the changing room and I started taking off my ... I mean Sasuke's clothes.

I took the shirt off and suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and pushed me against the lockers I turned arround.

"Oh I was just thinking about you" I couldn't help but smile as I saw Sasuke standing in front of me

"Yeah I was thinking about you too... Now let me punch you"

"P-punch me?!?!" I screamed "what did I do?"


"Is it because I made you chase me earlier today?" I asked confused

"Chasing you?" He raised an eyebrow "I ran because I wanted to. Do you think I would chase after someone like you"

"Ouch" that hurts


"Okay, why then? Fucking asshole..." I said angrily

"You are the asshole. What the F#ck were you doing 10 minutes ago?"

"10 minutes ago... I was playing basketball against you. Remember?"

"You call this 'playing basketball'?" Sasuke raised his voice

"Yes..? Why the f are you so angry?" I asked confused

"Naruto.. you f#cking Dobe... I'm pretty sure you know that you have to move while playing basketball. Chase after the ball maybe?"

"What's your point Sasuke?" I rolled my eyes

" My point is that you were standing in the middle of the court without moving. You reminded me of the statues in the museum's."

I couldn't help but laugh


"I'm not trying to be funny. What the heck.. was wrong with you? Are you not feeling...well? Sasuke asked in a concerned voice

"You were angry a moment ago and now you worry about me? Aw.."

"I am angry!!" He raised his voice again "I saw how fast you are. I thought you would be unstoppable at basketball.. because of your movies... And then there you were! Moving slower than a snail"

Wait ... Was Sasuke... Disappointed?

"Now if you don't want to get punched speak. What the heck was your problem? You wanted to play against me didn't you? You wanted me to accept you, right." Sasuke asked softly

"Haha" I laughed "I did wanted to play against you, but not like this. The teams weren't fare. No offence but if I was playing seriously nobody in your team would have been able to stop me" I went quiet, trying to find the right words. Sasuke was waiting patiently. "You see... I kinda like you. Even tho you can be an asshole... So.. I didn't wanna see you loose against Neji or Lee"


"Dont give me the silent treatment Sasuke" I signed looking down

I could feel him looking at me.. What is he thinking ...?

Yes! Finished! Enjoy it! I'll probably update the next chapter today as well. #nolife haha xD

SasuNaru || School Life || Uncovering The Truth जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें