Part 33: "Who is this..?"

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Naruto's POV

Hnnnnnnn.. I could hear someone talking..

"Hey, Dobe.."

Huh.. is that...



"Oii, wake up!"

I instantly opened my eyes, when I realized that's his voice.

"Sas...uke.. why.. am I.. wrapped aground you..?" When I woke up I found myself hugging Sasuke with both my hands and legs!!!!

"I should ask you that, Dobe"

I started blushing pretty baddly so I quickly separated myself from him.

"I-I-I-I'm very sorry!!!!!" I lowered head and closed my eyes, hoping that he is not too angry..

"Hn.. whatever.. "

"Whatever!?" I raised my voice in suprise "How.. how is it 'whatever' !?"

Sasuke raised his eyebrow and as he was about to speak..

"Ma boiiiiissss!!!!!" Guy sensei just stood in front of out tent "Good morning!!!! I was passing by and it sounded like you two were arguing? Is everything good in the hood!?!?!?"

"No/Yes" Me and Sasuke said at the same time

"I suppose maybe then?"

We were too busy staring at each other to answer Guy sensei. What does he means by 'whatever' !? This makes me feel like I'm the only one who gets excited over the situation..

"Okaaaaaaaay it's 8:30 already boys. We need to get up and do some fun and exiting games!!!! Meet everyone near the forest!!! I'll be there soon ma booiiis!!" And then he left

"Seriously.. he is way too loud"

"Huh.. look at you changing the subject!"

Sasuke sighed after seeing my reaction "Stop being so sulky and get dressed. I'll turn around, so tell me when you are ready"

"Turn around..?" I mumbled and then I realized.. he is just being respectful in a way.. I smiled and started getting dressed

"I'm ready"

"Ok" then he turned and smiled "Orange suits you"

I widened my eyes a bit and I felt my face getting hot. Not again..! I quickly turned away

"You couldn't hide that, Naruto" Sasuke chuckled

"Shut up" I pouted

"Grumpy cat"

I didn't say anything more to his comment, but he kept laughing every now and then for some reason..

"Ok I'm ready let's go"

"Okaayy" I got my bag and followed Sasuke out of the tent. Sakura and Ino were standing not too far from us, probably waiting for Sasuke to come out. Neji was talking with Lee... Konohamaru just got out of his tent and our eyes met. He knit his brows and looked away. I suppose he is still mad for what happened yesterday

"Sasuke-kuuuuun!!" Sakura yelled happily "Good morning!"

"Good morning Sasuke!!" Ino pushed her on the side and waved at us


Hah.. Yep.. you are forgiven Sasuke. Just keep this atitude towards them

He glanced at me and shook his head "It's clearly written on your face that you love it when I act like an asshole"

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