Part 39: New Couple Was Born

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Sasuke's POV

"Your father.. Is gonna hear about-"

"He's not gonna hear sh#t if I break your jaw right now!" I yelled "Keep your mouth shut or I'll make sure you do"

I let go of him and grabbed Naruto's hand and we started walking away.

"Naruto, you idiot" I quietly said after leaving everyone else behind, but he didn't respond

I kept walking towards the forest, where I wanted to take him in the first place..

When we got even further from all people and soon I could barely see the campfires, Naruto pulled his hand away from me

"There is nobody around us so can you tell me what was that all about?" He asked angrily, which made me angry

"Where do I start?" I asked with a sarcastic voice "oh yeah, why in God's name did you decide that it was a good idea to talk back to them?!" I shouted and pointed at the direction Hidan and the others were in

"Don't yell at my face!"

"I will because you are stupid!"

"I talked back because they were arrogant bastards! Just like you at the moment! Why did you stay quiet all the time, when they were insulting you!?"

"Because I hardly give a f#ck about what they are saying!!"

"Well I give many f#cks about it! I can't believe you were the type of person who just swallows insults!"

"I can control myself when I get angry, not like some others who are ready to jump into a fight!"

Naruto shook his head in disagreement "It's not about getting into a fight Sasuke! It's about keeping your pride!"

"Don't make me laugh. Is your pride more important than staying in the school, or even in town!?"


He's gotta be kidding me.. I held my breath for couple a seconds and then released a huge sigh "No it's not"

"Sasuke" he clenched his teeth "You are nobody so don't decide what's best for me!"

My eyes widened in shock. I'm a nobody? Really? I looked at Naruto but he had his head looking at the ground.

"D#ckhead" I mumbled and started walking away.

"So what you are just running away from an argument!?" He yelled bedind my back but I didn't stop. Naruto you idiot.. I'm not running away, but you just called me a nobody so what do you expect?

"I.. was just disappointed, ok!?!?!" Naruto shouted and I stopped in suprise "You are always so reliable and all.. when I saw that you weren't protecting yourself.. or me.. I got scared. I'm used of you always appearing in the right moment to save me.. Like when we were in the changing rooms and Sai was on top of me and like when Neji was glaring at me.. and when Ino was trying to get me out of the bus to fix something.. Today.. you didn't do it.. even tho Sai had his arm around me-"

"Yeah I wanted to ask what was that about?" I asked the moment he mention it

He shrugged his showders

"I think I was doing because I wanted attention.. but I'm not sure"

"You.. wanted my attention?"

"Don't change the subject!"

"I'm not!" I raised my hands in the air "Even tho I want to because arguing with you it's not something that I like doing!"

Naruto looked at me wide-eyed

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