Julia's baby - Summary

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Julia's baby by Corinder S.Forde is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia License.

Based on a work at www.wattpad.com.

Warning- No helpless chicks or 'perfect masculine Alphas' here!

Julia's sixteen, the Beta's daughter, a few years from becoming a fully fledged werewolf... and pregnant. Woops. Suddenly, she's gotta grow up really fast, got to deal with her parents, and with the bastard of a father who she lost her virginity to while drunk. Oh yeah- Apparently her Pack's just a few attacks away from being competely destroyed. Bad timing all around. 

Everyone's got an idea about what should happen to this baby. Julia is pissed off. Isn't it her choice? What about what she wants? The chaos that come from this news getting out- that the Beta's daughter is now pregnant- isn't what she expected. Pregnancy and babies apparently isn't as easy as it looked.

Close by the Northern Pack is just waiting for a moment of distraction, weakness...  and the chaos around Julia's baby is exactly what they've waited for.

This isn't just going to change Julia's life. It's going to change everyone in her Pack.  


Warning: There are no fluffy werewolves or helpless chicks in this one!

Julia's baby, Bk 1 - Oh, Baby! Watty Awards 2012!Where stories live. Discover now