WM8 Change Series #1 February 25, 2017

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Televangelists who will release God's power when you release that 100 dollar bill.

The one who claims to be a follower, who is mean and rude to everyone who hasn't met Jesus yet.

The preacher who kicks someone out for not dressing fancy enough, barring the doors to the poor until they get a nicer shirt. I actually have one of those around my town that dares to call themselves Apostolic Christians, and I can give you direct examples how it has hurt my own church's PR and ministry simply having the same title. It's revolting.

That is what happens when people try to preach Jesus without having Him. If we do not have hearts that have been purged of corruption through repentance and sacrifice, we will only embarass ourselves, everyone who knows us, and our Lord Jesus Christ when we try to show the world of His love.

We have to sacrifice. We need to repent. No fancy words or metaphors or new ideas this message. I realize now that I've let those get in the way.

Right now, look at yourself. You have pride to get out. You have lust that needs to be tamed. You need to get rid of anger and self-pity and selfishness. You need to get rid of things you do not want to get rid of. And you need to get rid of shame and pain and hurts that Satan has told you you're stuck with, but in reality God can take away from you.

Daily repentance is an absolute necessity to our walk with Jesus Christ our God.

We need to sacrifice. Why do we get so scared to share the Gospel? Why so fearful to be different in a significant way? And I definitely have a problem with this too,  when I'm not hiding behind this screen. Why is that? It's because we don't sacrifice what we don't want to.

Well God, you can have this sin that makes me full of shame or makes things more difficult, but.. we don't need to talk about this attitude, this mindset, this website I go to in private.

I'll serve you no matter what, until it gets awkward. I mean, not in front of ______, but anybody else, it's all You, all the way.

It's all or nothing with God. You can be filled with His Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues, you can constantly give all your sins away to Him no matter how painful or hard it is to do so, you can become known as the religious zealot, the crazy Bible-thumper prude in school and work and every place you'll ever go because you choose to live the truth and choose to attempt to show it to others in the right way, or you can live a life that means nothing.

We need to pray right now that God will show us everything we haven't sacrificed and give it to Him, or we can live a half-life like we had before we knew Him at all.

We also need to pray that ALL FALSE DOCTRINE be removed from our minds so we preach the full Gospel, the entire truth. Once again, it's all or nothing. The missionary that came over this week told us about an underground church he met in an anti-christian country, who had hundreds strong of Spirit-filled believers, and there hasn't been an outpouring in the Spirit in decades. Their children weren't getting the Holy Ghost! The whole body was desperate for change.
They got into a bible study with their pastors, and it turns out they were confused about who Jesus was. They taught them about the Oneness of Jesus, who Jesus really was, and things changed very quickly! Their church started moving again! It wasn't long after that the ruler of that same country seeked an audience with a Spirit-filled minister, and now they have an arrangement where they have full permission to speak the Gospel!

I know there's been some rambling in this message, but I have to confess something to you all. I have not pushed being filled with His Spirit enough. I got too comfortable, and I got too worried that some of you will leave if I tell you that many of you have been taught and believe lies. But I want to tell the world about who God really is.

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