I went up the stairs and folks were everywhere. I mean all on the walls and in the staircase. I checked all the rooms except the last one before opening the door to see this guy trying to get with Noelle and she was trying to fight him off. Aye homeboy what you doing? Aw man this shorty want it and I am just trying to give it to her. Naw she don't want shit but you to get out of her face. What you her nigga or something? No I am her brother now get out of here. Malik I don't feel good she said holding her head. You drug her nigga! How else you think I was gonna get her up here?

Come on Noelle I said trying to get her off the bed and to the bathroom. Malik I gotta ugh and then she barfed all over my pants. Ewww I said turning my head. Here I said putting her over the toilet. She threw some more before collapsing against the wall. Malik why did he have to do that to me she said crying. I tried to clean up my pants the best I could but ended up getting water all over the place. It's okay Noelle. Come on I am gonna take you home I said trying to help her up off the floor. All of the sudden the door busts open and in walks Stacy and Kimbra.


Wow really Noelle, CJ dumps you so you move to Liv's baby daddy. It's not what it looks like he was trying...Yeah it looks like he was trying to double dip Stacy said sucking her teeth. You know we ain't did shit so why you even starting shit Stacy. Really you ain't did shit so why your pants unzipped and her lipstick messed up? She threw up on me I was cleaning my pants, while she was throwing up. Yeah right I knew you were a hoe all along Noelle, I don't know why Ty wasted his time chasing your ass, Stacy said. I can't believe you would say something like that to me. Hoe!

Kimbra! Really Noelle that's foul, her baby daddy. I didn't oh god I said feeling the nausea again. I threw up again and finally got myself together. Look Noelle I am gonna get you out of here okay. Malik I am done I don't want to be here anymore. I know I am gonna take you home or to Ti's house or something. No I mean I don't want to live anymore Malik I said looking at him. Don't say that Noelle. It's the truth. Come on where you want me to take you? Not Tionne or Lisa. Take me to my god sister's house. Okay he said helping me get out the room and house without people seeing me.

He drove me to Ro's house. You want me to walk you to the door? Noo I said shaking my head. Thanks for the ride Malik. You are a great friend. Yeah I know. I'll wait till you get in he said reaching over me to open the door. I took a deep breath before getting out and walking to Ro's door. I know she's gonna flip a lid, one because its 1 in the morning and 2 because I am high and drunk as hell. I rang the doorbell and she didn't answer. I rang it again and still no answer. Damn she's not home, good thing I had a key to her house. I went to put my key in the door when she snatch the door open.

Noelle! Ro... I...um. Noelle you smell horrible are you okay? No I am not can I come in. Yeah come in did you drive yourself here? I shook my head no. Malik drove me. She looked out the door and waved to him and he drove off. Why was Malik dropping you off? Long story. Well I'll make some coffee and you can explain it to me.


Hold up so somebody slipped you something at the party? They had to Ro, I wasn't drinking that much and every drink I had I made my self personally. So what happened after Malik got the guy off you? I threw up on him. Gross Noelle! Really Ro! I didn't mean to, but it just came up and I couldn't control it. So what happened after that? He took me to the restroom to try and clean me up, but I started throwing up again. I guess while I was throwing up he was trying to clean up and got his pants all wet and stuff. He was trying to help me up so I was on my knees in front of him, Stacy and Kimbra busted in the bathroom and started calling me a hoe. Saying how could I do that to Liv and Ty.

Noelle you aren't like that, Liv and Ty know that. I don't know Ro, I am just so done with life. Noelle what are you saying? I want to end it Ro, I can't take any more pain. Noelle don't talk like that you are needed and wanted here. If you do something stupid, that would break my heart and not to mention it would hurt Lisa and completely devastate Tionne. She shook her head like she wasn't trying to hear it. Listen, go take a shower and then you can come lay with me in bed. Dallas not here? Naw he's not, he's probably in the studio or something. Okay she said getting up and going towards the bathroom.

She was in there for an hour before coming out with freshly washed hair and a bare face. I made you a sandwich and got you some medicine and water. Thanks she said sitting in the bed. Noelle I know it is hard dealing with this breakup but you gotta remember who you are in this. I am nothing Ro. I am not good enough for anyone. Don't say that you are good enough and you are someone. I've been where you are Noelle trust me harming yourself won't fix the issue you gotta learn to love yourself. Remember that Noelle She just sat there eating the sandwich like she didn't hear what I said and before long we'd both fallen asleep.

I woke up a couple hours later to her staring out the window. You okay! No I am not but I need to pull myself together cause I am supposed to go and see Lisa. You'll be okay Noelle I know you will. Yeah if you say so. Um can you drive me to her house I didn't drive last night so my car is at home? Yeah I'll drop you off at Li's house. I don't think you should be driving right now anyway. Thanks Ro she said hugging me. No problem you my sister girl.


I was chilling at home when I heard a car pull up. Thanks Ro, I heard Noe say as she came into the house. Lili! Yeah in the kitchen I said. Hey! Hey I said looking her over. What why you looking at me like that? I was just looking to make sure you were okay. Okay is a relative term, I am ready to get graduation over with and be done with high school. You still thinking about leaving Atlanta? 

More so now than ever there is nothing here for me Lisa. So where are you gonna go if you leave. I don't know Cali or New York anywhere but here. You really gonna bounce on Ti like that. Ti has her own life that doesn't involve looking out for me all the time. Noelle you know you can't do that, you can't up and bounce like that on your family.

What about me being happy Lisa. I've had the crappiest life ever don't I deserve to be happy to? You're right you do deserve happiness Noelle, but your decisions affect more than just you. You leave and it will break your mama's heart. Not to mention Ti, Kayo, Ro, and me to. Li you have your own life to. Which you are a part of and you know that. 

When I came into your life I didn't do it halfheartedly, I knew from the beginning that you are special Noelle. You really are special to everyone especially me. What are you saying Lisa? I am saying Noelle you and I are a lot closer than most folks realize. Lisa are you coming on to me? Really Noelle! I don't understand what's going on and my head is killing me. Sit I said pointing to the seat. You and I are connected energy wise. I can feel you and you mostly likely can feel me. We share a deeper bond so I know how you are feeling and I want you to know that I will always been here for you. Thanks Lisa!

Lisa can I tell you something and promise you won't get mad? Yeah go ahead. Remember how you use to make me suppress my feelings for you. Yeah. What if I told you they didn't fully go away? You know we can't do that Noelle, and even if we could I am still older than you and on top of that we're family now. I know it's just sometimes whenever we're together I get those old feelings for you. We were silent for a moment while looking at each other. 

We can't Noelle that would complicate things on a whole other level. I know I just want to let you know that they haven't gone away, but I respect you way too much to cross that line. I won't deny that I feel something for you Noelle, but like I said it won't work and there is someone out there way better for you than me. Probably not, but if you say so she said laughing a little. Trust me there is, he just so happens to be in California. I miss him so much Li. Why don't you go see him after graduation I mean what's holding you back from going to see him?

Nothing I guess she said taking a piece of fruit out the bowl. I just don't know if he wants to see me. You serious Noelle! That boy loves you! I am sure if you called him right now and said you were on the way he'd be waiting at the airport for you. He'd probably be on the runway waiting for the plane to land. True that!

So what you cooking cause I am hungry? Jokes I am not cooking for you. Pleaseeee Lili! Nope! Well if you not gonna cook you got some weed, cause after the night I had I need to relax. Noelle I ain't your pusher. I know but for real if you knew what happened you'd smoke too. Come on I said sucking my teeth leading her to the Den. And you better not tell T I let you smoke either. Do I look dumb, If I wanted to die, I do it myself rather than have her kill me.


Damn Noelle can't no kind of break with these folks. I knew from the beginning she couldn't trust Stacy, but Kimbra did her dirty too. Smh! 

Pt 2. coming soon!!!

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