Part 1: Naruto's new life

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This story will have at least 80 chapters but I promise it won't be boring. I will definetelly finish it (I hate it when people don't finish their fanfics) so please stick around ❤ Thank you x


Tsunade shouting from the kitchen "Oi Naruto! It's your first day and you're gonna be late! Hurry up!"

"Ugh... Got it..." Naruto said while slowly getting up.

Naruto's POV

My name is Uzumaki Naruto. Today is my first day at my new high school. I'm a 15 years old boy, trying to have a normal life.. I hope it's possible.

I still haven't got my uniform.. What should I wear?

I put on a long-sleeve, red shirt, black jeans and went down to the kitchen.

"Hey granny, you have bags under your eyes this morning. Years are catching up to you lol"

"Go find your glasses. I look younger than ever!"

"Oi, I don't wear glasses..."

"And you should! Have some breakfast. I'll give you a lift to school"

Granny Tsunade is a noisy lady that has been taking care of me since I was 5 years old.. after my parents suddenly dissapeared. She is a pretty reliable adult ... However, she really has a problem with gambling.

This is my 8th time switching schools. I wonder if I'll make any friends... I did get along with the people from my other school but they were just too boring.

"Okay we have arrived. Call me if you get lost on your way back home!" Granny Tsunade shouted after I got off the car "And don't get into any fights!"

"I know! You don't have to tell me... Have a nice day granny"

With that I started walking towards my classroom. I didn't have any time to look around. Okay .. homeroom teacher .. Iruka. This should be interesting.

1st period

"Okay everyone! As you all know today we have a new student." I could hear Iruka-sensei started the class while I was standing outside the door

"Who comes a month after the school year started?" someone asked

"Don't question it Kiba. Naruto-kun! You can come in now!"

I stepped inside the classroom as I heard the teacher calling me. Wow.. That's scary.

"Okay this is Naruto-kun! Would you like to introduce yourself Naruto?"

Everyone is staring at me. Don't mess up Naruto!

"Hello everyone! My name is Naruto Uzumaki and i like eating ramen."

(Evrybody is laughing)

"I came into this town, together with my aunt, yesterday so I don't know the area that well. I have bad memory so it's very possible for me to get lost. If that happens... don't worry about me! Haha. I hope we can get along "

Okay this is where my first chapter ends. I have many good ideas for this story so I should update every day! Please comment and tell me what you think!

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