Chapter 11

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Carter Constancio

This week has went by really fast. It's already Friday! Austin leaves today for 3 weeks today and then a week after he leaves for 5 months. I just don't know if I can handle all of this. I want to spend every second with him before he leaves with Alex today. "Hey Austin? Can you come here?" I asked. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked being his over protective self. "I'm fine. I just want to spend time with you before you go." I said. "Oh. Okay. What do you want to do?" He asked. "Let's go to the beach!" I said. "Okay." He said and we walked out the door.

*at the beach* Austin Mahone

I can't believe I have to leave Carter. I'm gonna be so worried about her. We were walking on the beach holding hands but it was so hard for me to concentrate right now.

Carter Constancio

Austin was totally out of it. "Austin? Austin?!" I said. "Sorry. It's just really hard for me to concentrate. A lot of things are going through my head right now." He said. "What are you thinking about?" I asked. "Leaving you, not being able to see you, not being able to kiss you, not being able to cuddle with you, not being able to go on dates for 2 weeks." He said. "Then five months." I added. "It's 3:20 and my plane leaves at 3:30. We have to go." Austin said. We walked to the car and drove in silence. I felt like sobbing.

*at the house* Carter Constancio

"Come on Alex! We have to go!" Austin yelled. "Alright, alright, I'm coming." Alex said while coming down the stairs. We all got in the car. Michele and Alex in the front and Austin and I in the back. I cried into Austin's chest the whole way there. "We're here." Michele said. We all got out of the car and walked into the airport. "FLIGHT 74 NOW BOARDING!" When I heard that I felt tears stinging in my eyes. I said bye to Alex and gave him a hug. I walked over to Austin. "I'm gonna miss you so much. I love you." I said. "I'm gonna miss you too. Don't worry it's not that long. It's gonna be over before you know it then we have a week together before I leave again. I love you too." He said and gave me a long passionate kiss then went to the plane.

*in the car* Carter Constancio

I was sobbing and sobbing and sobbing. I'm gonna miss Austin way to much. We got out of he car and I ran inside and up to my room. "Carter, honey, do you want anything to eat?" Michele asked. "N-no." I said. I heard her walking upstairs. "I know it's hard. But it will get better. You guys can call and skype and you'll see each other in 3 weeks." Michele said. "B-but then h-he has t-to leave f-for 5 m-months." I said. Michele rubbed my back and just let me cry. My eyes started to feel heavy and I felt really tired. After a while I fell asleep.

Michele Mahone

I feel so bad for Carter but I bet Austin's not feeling any different. Carter fell asleep and Austin called. I could tell he was crying. I told him Carter was crying and we were talking and she fell asleep. I just feel so bad.

I'm Alex Constancio's SisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang