Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Carter's pov*

I woke up and Austin was still here. Isn't he supposed to be at rehearsals? I thought they had an early practice today. I felt the need to puke. I rab to the bathroom and you know, did what I had to do. So this is gonna happen every day now? " Listen little guy or girl or what ever you are, if you can give me a little break with the morning sickness I promise your first solid food will be ice cream." I said to the little creature in my tummy. I didn't feel sick anymore. "Thank you." I said then found Austin standing in the doorway smiling."Then mommy can have more time to cuddle with me." Austin said and was about to kiss me but I stopped him with my hand."Stop. I don't think you wanna kiss me." I said. "Why?" Austin asked. "I just threw up. You don't wanna kiss me." I said thne brushed my teeth to get that horrible taste out of my mouth. "What about now?" He asked. "Come here." I said then he kissed me passionately which turned into a make-out session. It last for a few minutes longer then I remembered what I wanted to ask Austin. "I thought you had an early practice today." I said. "They said I could take the day off to spend time with you." He said. "Oh okay." I said then walked to the kitchen. Austin came up behind me and wrapped his strong arms around my waist. He must've noticed the worried look in my eyes. "What's the matter?" he asked. "I'm scared." I answered. "About what?" he asked. "I'm not ready for this. You're not gonna be with me for the first five months of my pregnancy. What if I start to go into labor and you're not home?" I said. "Come here." He said sticking out his hand for me to take it. "I know you're scared of how this is gonna turn out but right when I get back from the tour I'm gonna be by your side the rest of the time. You're not alone in this, Carter. I'm here, Alex is here, and my mom will be there when I'm on tour and if I'm not home and you start to go into labor call me right away and I'll be there. Okay?" He said. That made me feel a lot better. "Okay." i said. Good now come here." he pulled me into a hug and laid back on the couch. "I'm gonna be right by your side this whole time." He said. "Will you sing for me?" I asked. "Sure." 'lets go back to the day, when I saw your face for the very first time, now lets go back again when I held your hand and stared into your eyes, cuz I knew you were the one with you my life has just begun, baby you can count on me, cuz your heart is in my hand yeah...... He sang the rest of the song then we just sat there in silence but it wasn't awkward silence it was nice. "When the baby's here we aren't gonna have many moments like that." I said. "Yeah but we'll get used to it." Austin said.

Austin's pov*

I was so happy to be a dad but I'm also sad because Carter has to go through 5 months of her pregnancy without me. She seems so worried but I wouldn't blame her. Carter started crying. "Shhhh. What's wrong?" I asked rubbing her back trying to calm her down. "I don't know if I can do this." She said. "Yes you can and you're not gonna be the only one I'm gonna be with you the whole time. I know it's scary to think about but everything is gonna be alright. 'Don't you worry, everything's gonna be alright, be alright' I started singing and that must've calmed her down because she stopped crying. I hate seeing her like this. "I have to ask you something." I said. "Yeah." "Would you like to come to my concert tomorrow and be the UGirl?" I asked. She smiled really big. "Yes, I would love to." She said. I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Carter said and was about to stand up till I made her sit back down and I went to go get the door. It was Alex. "Hey Alex. Come in." I said and he walked through the door. "Hey Carter. How ya feeling?" He asked Carter. "Better then I did yesterday but probably because when I threw up this morning I promised if the baby gave me a break with the throwng up every day their first solid food could be ice cream." She said then Alex laughed. "Never mind I guess it hasn't ended." she said then ran to the bathroom. "So is this gonna be like an every day thing?" Alex asked. "I guess. From the looks of it, yes." I said then Carter came back and walked over to me. "So is this gonna happen like every single day?!" She said. "Don't worry it will get better." I said then pulled her in for a hug and kissed her forehead. I feel so bad for her.

A/n Thank you for the 661 reads! I love you guys so much! Comment What you think

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