Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Carter's pov*

It's been a week and we have 2 weeks left of the tour. This morning I was throwing up. I hope it's not anything serious because its been happening a lot lately. I'm going to the doctors today and Austin doesn't have to work at 4 this afternoon and my appointment is at 5 so I have to go by myself but at least I'll get to see him a lot today. "Hey babe. How are you feeling?" asked Austin. "Horrible! Be right back." I said. I walked into the bathroom and you know did what I had to do. "I hope it's nothing to serious. I'm getting worried." I said. "Me too but don't worry I bet every thing is gonna be alright." Austin said and walked over to me and gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. "I bet every thing is gonna be fine." Austin said. "It's 3:00 and I leave in a hour. What do you wanna do?" Austin asked. "Watch tv. We don't have enough time for a movie." I said.

*1 hour later*

"Crap! I gotta go! Bye honey tell me what the doctors say when I get back! I'll be back an hour after you." Austin said. "Okay bye sweetie!" I said. I went on Twitter and posted 'not felling well :(' then turned my phone off. I got a bunch of comments saying fell better and hope you get well soon and one from Austin it said 'Sorry i can't be with you right now but I'll see you soon. Love you:)' that made me smile. it's almost 5 I better get ready for my appointment. i grabbed my bag and walked to the car.

*at the doctors office*

"Ms.Constancio?" I got up and walked to the room. "So what has been going on?" asked the doctor. "Well I've had these horrible stomach aches and I've been throwing up in the morning and I've been having mood swings." I said. "Alright, I'm gonna need you to go pee in this cup." I walked to the bathroom and did my business then walked back to the room and gave it to the doctor. She put something in it then turned around and smiled. "Congrats!" "Why?" I asked. "You're pregnant!"

*at the house*

HOLY FREAKIN CRAP I'M FREAKIN PREGNANT!!! Austin's gonna be here in about 30 minutes! How am i gonna tell him?!?! Austin came running through the door. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "They let me go early so what's the new?" he asked."Sit down." I said and we both sat on the couch. I grabbed his hand and began to feel nervous. "Austin, I-I'm....... pregnant." I said. I was looking down at our hands but then I got the courage to look up and i saw a huge smile on Austin's face. "Oh my god! Carter, that's amazing!" He jumped up and gave me a huge hug. "Okay that's good. You took it well but how are we gonna tell Alex?" I asked. "Do you wanna tell him now or later?" He asked. "He's my brother. I think he should know now." I said. We walked to Alex's room and knocked on the door. "It's open!" he said then we opened the door and walked in. "Oh hey guys what's up?" he asked. "we have to tell you something." I said. "Okay." We walked over t the couch and sa down. "I really don't know how you're gonna take this but you have a right to know." i said. I could tell he was nervous now. "I'm pregnant." I said. He smiled. "I always wanted to be an uncle." he said. "Okay. You took it well too. That's good." Austin and I walked back to our room and when we got back he kissed me passionately."I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad." He said. "I can't believe I'm gonna be a mom." I said. "Can we go to bed? I'm really tired." I asked. "Sure. C'mon." He said and took my hand. "Can I have one of your t-shirts?" I asked. "Yeah. Here." He said. I put on his shirt and my yoga shorts and got into bed. "I love you." Austin said. "I love you too." I said then started thinking about everything that's going to happen. Austin won't be here for the first 5 months of my pregnancy. I must've been think a lot because after a while I fell asleep.

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