Chapter 9

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Carter Constancio

So today is Sunday. I have to go to SCHOOL tomorrow! Ugh. And Austin won't be there because he's homeschooled. This is gonna be so boring! "Hey Alex?" I asked. "Yeah?" "Is it okay if I got to Austin's?" I asked. "Sure just bring your phone so I can call, okay?" "Okay. See ya later." I said and left. I walked to Austin's and rang the doorbell. Michele answered the door and said, "Hey sweetie! Are you looking for Austin?" She asked. "Yeah." "He's upstairs." She said. "Okay. Thanks." I said and walked upstairs. I came running in and yelled, "CARTER IS HERE! THE PARTY CAN START NOW!" And then I found Austin on the floor, laughing. "Hey cuteness." He said. Then gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Hey." I said. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing, I just don't want to go to school tomorrow and I don't want you to leave." I said sadly. "Come here." He said and patted his lap. I sat on his lap and looked him in the eyes. "The tour is only for three weeks and if you want to miss a few days and stay with me you can, okay?" He said. That made me feel better. "Okay." I said and we walked downstairs.

Alex Constancio

I feel bad for Carter. I can't believe Austin hasn't told her that after his 3 week tour he has another tour that's 5 months like a week after that! He has to tell her soon.

A/n Hope you guys are liking the story! Please comment what you think about it! Thanks guys!😘

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