Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Carter's pov*

I woke up in a white room and had a bunch of stuff hooked up to me but I didn't know where I was. I looked down at my stomach and it was big, was I pregnant?! My eyes adjusted and I saw I was in a hospital room. The doctor came in with a boy who looked like he had been crying. "Hello, Ms. Constancio how are you?" Said the doctor. "Very confused. Why am I here?" I asked. The boy came running up to me and said, "Oh my god, Carter! You're awake!" "Who are you?" I asked. He started crying and walked out of the room. "Who is that? Am I pregnant?" I asked. "That's is your boyfriend and yes you are." Said the doctor. "So what happened. Why am I here?" I asked. "You were at your boyfriend's concert and he brought you up on stage and as you were walking off the stage a fan threw something at your head and the impact on you head made you go into a coma." Said the doctor. "For how long?" I asked. "Five months."

Austin pov*

I can't believe she doesn't remember me. I've missed her so much and I've waited for her to wake up and she doesn't even remember me! I'm so mad at my fans! Why would one of them throw something at her! I went on twitter and said, 'I can't believe one of you threw something at Carter's head! I'm so mad at you, whoever did this! Thanks to you she's been in a coma for 5 months and she finally woke up today and she doesn't even remember me! A real Mahomie wouldn't do that, they would support me!' I was so mad. I walked over to Alex crying. "What happened? Is she ok?!" He asked. "She woke up." I said. "Oh my god that's amazing" he said. "But, she doesn't remember me." I said and broke down crying. The doctor called us both in the room. We walked in and she smiled when she saw Alex. "Hey Alex!" She said. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked. "Still really confused. I woke up 5 months pregnant." She said. "Yeah. So when do you get out of here?" He asked. "They said I could leave later today." She said. Yay she can come home! I walked over to the doctor and asked him if we could talk outside. "Will Carter remember me? Like will it wear off?" I asked. "It's hard to tell. With the impact she might or she might not. You just have to wait and see." He said then walked back in the room. Hopefully she remembers me.

*2 hours later* Carter's pov*

I can finally get out of here! I hate hospitals! "You ready to go?" Asked Alex. "Yeah." I said and walked out the door to the car. I sat in the front with the boy, apparently his name is Austin and Alex sat in the back. It was a very awkward. We got home and Austin showed me my room well our room and the nursery. When I went back into our room Austin followed. "Listen I know you don't remember me but I've wanted to do this for 5 months." He said then his lips crashed into mine. I was surprised but then I kissed back. He pulled away then just left the room. Suddenly all the memories came rushing back to me. I remember Austin and remember when I got hit in the head. I remember everything. "AUSTIN!" I screamed and he came running to our room. "What what's wrong?!" He said. "I remember you." I said with tears in my eyes. "Oh my god! This is amazing!" He said and he also had tears in his eyes. He gave me a big long hug and started kissing my cheeks. "I missed you so much!" He said. I started crying but they weren't happy tears. "Carter, what's wrong? Aren't you happy?" He asked. "I'm so happy but I'm just scared." I said. "Of what?" He asked. "How is the baby still alive?! I haven't been eating." I said. "They pumped food into your stomach so the baby is fine, they were checking on it." Austin said. "Ok good." I said. "So is it a boy or a girl? I really wanna know!" I said anxiously. Austin smiled. "It's a........ Girl!" Austin said. "OMG!" I said. "But we have to start thinking of names." I said. For the past hour we were thinking of names and we thought of the perfect one.

Austin's pov*

I'm so glad Carter remembers me.

A/n Hope you guys like it! Comment and vote! Love you guys😘

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