Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Carter's pov*

I woke up to Alaina crying. I groaned and went into the nursery and picked up Alaina. "What's the matter, hun?" I said. I started rocking her back and forth and she calmed down. She stopped crying and soon fell asleep in my arms. I put her back in her crib and walked back to our room. As soon as I got back in bed Austin pulled me closer to him. "How's Alaina?" He asked. "Fine. Hopefully she doesn't wake up again." I said. I checked the time on my phone and it was 4:00 in the morning. I was really tired so hopefully I could fall back to sleep. I turned over so I was facing Austin and kissed his forehead. My eyes started to feel heavy and I soon fell asleep.


'I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth. Cause it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up to, and I'm in love with you, and all your little things.' I heard an angelic voice singing. I opened my eyes and saw Austin with his guitar "Good morning beautiful. Happy anniversary."  He said. "Oh my god, Austin. I totally forgot with everything that's gone on." I said feeling bad. "It's ok. I understand." He said. "Ms.Carter Constancio, will you do the honor of going to a romantic dinner with me tonight?" He asked with a smile. "I'd love to." I said standing up and giving him a hug. "Now let's go downstairs. I fixed you up a nice breakfast." He said. I was about to walk into the nursery but Austin grabbed me. "Alaina is at my mom's." He said. "Okay." I said and ran downstairs. I saw a table with chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I grabbed a plate and ate my food. When I was done I put my plate in the sink. "So, where's Alex?" I asked. "He's at Robert's with Zach." He said. "Oh. Well I'm gonna go find something to wear for tonight." I said and walked upstairs.

*7:00 pm*

I put on my red sundress that had flowers on it and my red sandals. I walked into the bathroom and put on a little makeup but not to much. I walked downstairs and saw Austin in a suit. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah." I said and we both walked to the door and to the car. We arrived at Olive Garden and walked inside. "Table for 2, please." Austin said. "Right this way." said the lady and led us to a table. "Hi. I'm Jack I'll be your server tonight. What would you like to drink?" He asked. Austin ordered then the waiter turned to me. "And for the pretty lady?" He asked then winked. "Um I'll have a Mountain Dew please." I said and he walked away. Austin mumbled something but I couldn't really tell what he said. Jack came back with our drinks and asked if we were ready to order. We ordered our food and the waiter started flirting with me. I kinda just ignored it but then Austin spoke up, "Keep your eyes off my girl." then the waiter walked away. Our food came and we ate and kinda just talked. We were getting up to leave but Austin got down on one knee and pulled something out of his pocket. I gasped. "Will you marry me?"

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