I'm Pretending to be a Guy... Will my Secret Get Out?? {Thirteen}

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for your life story, but how did you know this was my Limo? Or better yet was this the only motor vehicle that drove passed you?" I was beginning to get a little suspicious about him.

"Well first, you're welcome. Second, it has your name on the headpiece of the Limo. Third, no it wasn't, it was either your limo or a horny breaded guy psycho from those hitch-hiker killings on TV, I mean seriously Lucia, Stranger Danger" he tsked poking my shoulder. "And I thought you were in Europe?"

"I came home early" I frowned at him.

"Why?" there was a curious gleam in his eyes. This could be tricky, do I admit that I came back early because I was in an uncomfortable position with Him and Sal or Lie. When in doubt... Lie.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I crossed my arms again.

"Why do you answer questions with questions?" he did the same but with a more girly way.

"If you keep acting like that, people are going to think you're a woman stuck in a boy's body," I teased poking at his shoulder.

"Hey now, no need to damage my masculinity, I'm a man no boy here" he said while sticking out his chest, like an ape.

"Calm down Tarzan, your heads getting too big" he shrugged while I started laughing, sometimes I wonder.

"You know you actually HAVE a sense of humor, unlike those other girls... your pretty cool" he said sincerely, I just smiled and poked him again.

"Thanks, but what happened to your manly-ness, Tarzan?"

"Well you know me, I'm a sensitive guy" he paused, as if he just realized something. "Why are you calling me Tarzan... wait I like it! I could be the next Tarzan or something" he began to cup his mouth as if to yell, just like Tarzan. I quickly stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"No you don't, yelling will lead to paparazzi, paparazzi will lead to newspapers, I can just see the headlines now... could Lucia be doing it? In a Limo?..." I let go of his wrist and that sly, sexy smile come on his lips.

"Doing what?" he raised an eyebrow. Does he want me to say it out loud?

"Your one sick boy, Tarzan" I shook my head as the Limo lurked to a stop.

"Looks like we have stopped... which means I'm home" I said while packing up my purse and my jacket up off the floor. "Stewy will take you home... but not if you worried about horny breaded guy psychos... then you should be alright." I nodded while opening the door.

"Wait Lucia, can we do this again?"

"Do what?" I felt my heart race.

"THIS, anyway... so, Friends?" he had a smile playing on his lips. So, I smiled back.

"Friends and I'd like that" I don't know why I agreed but I'm itching to understand him.


Ever since that day, Ricky and me have been spending time together, like normal friends. We even watch Tarzan and George in the Jungle, for Ricky's sake and Man-hood. So every day after Ricky finished school we'd go to the Track and look around before we did something else, like watch movies, find spiders to scare me (Ricky's idea of "Fun"), and stuff like that.

Now, we were watching Paranormal Activity at my house (I had the bigger surround sound system), and then a few Saw movies, because I haven't seen them, and do you want to know why? Because I'm shit scared and hate scary movies. I began to reach for the blanket that was around me and hide my eyes, because I was told that the chick does some scary shit, but Ricky snatched it out of my hands before I had a chance.

"Watch this, it's my favorite part, don't worry its almost over" the chick was walking up the stairs or something, and you could see her in the door way, somehow she throws the guy at the camera and it lands on the floor. Next thing you know, she picks it up and stares at it, while tilting her head. The jumps at it. I instantly jumped about ten feet and yelped at the crazy bitch, I held my hand over my thundering heart, breathing slow deep breaths.

Ricky breathed out, and got up to change the DVD.

"Nope, no more movies" I stood up on the couch. "You're going to give me nightmares for the rest of my life" I held my hands up as he walked back to the couch.

"That's alright I'll just sleep with you-"

"Yet another reason why I don't want to watch it" I cut him off, I held my hands up higher as he got closer to me. When he was about a foot away, I jumped over the couch so it was in between us.

"But, I lost my teddy bear" he stuck his bottom lip out. "Won't you sleep with me?"

"Ha, nice pick up line" I scoffed. He looked down at his wrist; I looked around for the clock as well.

"Sorry I have to go, it's around 12 past 1 and I have a race tomorrow," I signed, then something passed over his face that I didn't recognize. Jeez, I forgot about that stupid race, what was it over again? Ohh yeah, Jace and his Lies, ohh and must not forget Carlee. I just stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeah, you told me about that" I mumbled. Yeah, not to mention you're going against my "boyfriend".

"Why don't you come and watch? Oh wait, your Luke's girlfriend?"

"Yep" I mumbled. Then it turned silent, we just stood there staring at each other. It was about 2 or 3 minutes later when Ricky spoke.

"Well, this is awkward" Ricky started rocking on his feet.

"Yep, but I'm might be coming... so I might see you there?" what am I talking about? I AM Luke, how am I going to see him when he hates Luke?

"Yeah alright, but you're going to watch those movies, and I'm going to make sure of it"

"Ugh, I'm looking forward to it" I frowned at him as his half-grinned at me, and disappeared out the door.

I collapsed in the couch and looked up at the ceiling. What am I going to do about this; I have made a huge mess of things. Next time, when God gives me lemons, I'm giving them back. I sat up at a growling noise, I looked around, Oh it was just me. I smiled to myself, and got up to head to the kitchen.

When I made it to the main foyer, I decided to go to my parent's mini fridge... there's chocolate in there, Yummy. I walked to that side of the house.

I pushed open the large doors to the main lounge room and just across the room there would be a small fridge fill with Chocolate. I practically skipped across the room in excitement to get a few Chocolates, and get out of here before they get back. I snuck across the room, landed behind the couch, and laid there for a few minutes. I was about to jump the fridge when someone came out of the master bedroom.

I held my breath as this person came and walked to the fridge, about 4 or 5 feet away from my head. I peek around the corner to see if it was mum or dad, or if they came home early. I poked my head to the side so I had one eye looking up at the person.

I quickly stuck my head back when I saw them turn my way, but before I hid, I saw whom it was.

It was Sal.

What was he doing in my house at this time of morning? I watched him snatch a bottle of water from the fridge and walk back into the room. I lied there on the ground beside the couch for about 5 more minutes trying to figure out why he was here... that was before I heard a continuous banging against the wall, and muffled moaning...


Hmmmm, what do you guys think???

The race next!! But what is Lucy going to do now?




I'm Pretending to be a Guy... Will my Secret Get Out?? Lucia && RicksonWhere stories live. Discover now